
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  1.Rodman met with Tony to try and settle the dispute over his contract.

  A.solve B.avoid C.mark D.involve

  2.We’re happy to report that business is booming this year.

  A.risky B.successful C.failing D.open

  3.If we leave now, we should miss the traffic.

  A.direct B.stop C.mix D.avoid

  4.In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.

  A.reduces B.changes C.leaves D.drops

  5.I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.

  A.excited B.angry C.lost D.surprised

  6.Can you give a concrete example to support your idea?

  A.specific B.real C.special D.good

  7.We’ve been through some rough times together.

  A.long B.happy C.difficult D.short

  8.It was a fascinating painting, with clever use of color and light.

  A.large B.wonderful C.new D.familiar

  9.The company has the right to end his employment at any time.

  A.provide B.stop C.offer D.continue

  10.She gave up her job and started writing poetry.

  A.abandoned B.lost C.took D.created

  11.The police took fingerprints and identified the body.

  A.recognized B.missed C.discovered D.touched

  12.What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?

  A.retirement B.advertisement C.advancement D.replacement

  13.We’ve seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.

  A.clear B.regular C.quick D.great

  14.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.

  A.caught B.killed C.found D.jailed

  15.I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.

  A.suggest B.demand C.order D.request



  The Race into Space

  American millionaire Dennis Tito will always be famous. He was the first tourist in space. “I spentsixty years on Earth and eight days in space and from my viewpoint, it was two separate lives,”Tito explained. He loved his time in space. “Being in space and looking back at earth is one ofthe most rewarding experiences a human being can have.”

  This kind of experience isn’t cheap. It cost $20 million. However, Tito achieved his dream, so hewas happy. “For me it was a life dream. It was a dream that began when I didn’t have anymoney,” he told reporters.

  On 30 April 2002, Mark Shuttleworth became the world’s second space tourist. Shuttleworth isa South African businessman. At the age of twenty-eight, he also paid $20 million for the eight-day trip.

  Both Tito and Shuttleworth bought their tickets from a company called Space Adventures. Thecompany has around 100 people already on their waiting list for flights into space. Thespaceship to take them doesn’t exist yet.

  Many of the customers are people who like adventure. They are the kind of people who alsowant to climb Mount Qomolangma. Other customers are people who love space. However, thesepeople are worried. Because it’s so expensive, only very rich people can go into space. Theywant space travel to be available to more people.

  That day may soon be here. Inter Orbital Systems (IOS) plans to send up to four tourists aweek into space. The tours will depart from an island in Tonga. The company promises apackage that includes forty-five days of astronaut training in Russia and California, seven daysin space, and a vacation in Tonga, for $2 million.

  However, space flight is still very dangerous. Bill Readdy is NASA’s deputy assistantadministrator for space flight. He says that the chances of dying are about 1 in 500. Becauseof this, it may take time before space tourism really takes off. You might be able to go up, butwill you come down?

  16.Dennis Tito was the first tourist in space.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  17.Mark Shuttleworth is an engineer from the United States.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  18.Both Tito and Shuttleworth have climbed Mount Qomolangma.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  19.Space Adventures has about 100 customers waiting for their travel into space.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  20.Space Adventures already has a spaceship.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  21.IOS will send its tourists into space from Tonga.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  22.Bill Readdy thinks space flight is very dangerous.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


  下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23 ~ 26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个小标题;(2)第27 ~ 30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。

  Intelligent Machines

  1 Medical scientists are already putting computer chips(芯片)directly into the brain to helppeople who have Parkinson’s disease, but in what other ways might computer technology beable to help us? Ray Kurzweil is author of the successful book The Age of Intelligent Machinesand is one of the world’s best computer research scientists. He is researching the possibilities.

  2 Kurzweil gets computers to recognize voices. An example of this is Ramona, the virtual(虚拟的)hostess of Kurzweil’s homepage, who is programmed to understand what you say.Visitors to the site can have their conversations with her, and Ramona also dances and sings.

  3 Kurzweil uses this technology to help people with physical disabilities. One of his ideas is a“seeing machine”. This will be “like a friend that could describe what is going on in the visibleworld”, he explains. Blind people will use a visual sensor(探测器)which will probably be builtinto a pair of sunglasses. This sensor will describe to the person everything it sees.

  4 Another idea, which is likely to help deaf people, is the “listening machine”. This inventionwill recognize millions of words and understand any speaker. The listening machine will also beable to translate into other languages, so even people without hearing problems are likely to beinterested in using it.

  5 But it is not just about helping people with disabilities. Looking further into the future,Kurzweil sees a time when we will be able to download our entire consciousness onto acomputer. This technology probably won’t be ready for at least 50 years, but when it arrives, itmeans our minds will be able to live forever.

  23.Paragraph 2 ______

  24.Paragraph 3 ______

  25.Paragraph 4 ______

  26.Paragraph 5 ______

  A.A new pair of eyes

  B.Computers that can communicate

  C.Everlasting consciousness on a computer

  D.Time to break off a friendship

  E.An author and researcher

  F.A new pair of ears

  27.Ray Kurzweil works with computers to help people __________.

  28.Ramona is able to understand __________.

  29.Blind people will be able to see the world with __________.

  30.People without hearing problems may also be interested in using __________.

  A.what you say

  B.a pair of sunglasses

  C.the listening machine

  D.a visual sensor

  E.who have disabilities

  F.living forever in a computer



  第一篇 Britain’s Solo Sailor

  Ellen MacArthur started sailing when she was eight, going out on sailing trips with her aunt. Sheloved it so much that she saved her money for three years to buy her first small sailing boat.When she was 18, she sailed alone around Britain and won the “Young Sailor of the Year”award.

  But Ellen really became famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of the only two women whoentered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race, which lasts 100 days. Despite manyproblems, she came second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warmwelcome when she returned.

  Ambition and determination have always been a big part of Ellen’s personality. When she wasyounger, she lived in a kind of hut(棚屋)for three years while she was trying to getsponsorship to compete in a transatlantic race. Then she took a one-way ticket to France,bought a tiny seven meter Class Mini yacht(游艇), slept under it while she was repairing it,and then she raced it 4,000 kilometres across the Atlantic in 1997, alone for 33 days.

  Ellen has had to learn many things, because sailing single-handed means that she has to be herown captain, electrician, sailmaker, engineer, doctor, journalist, cameraman and cook. She alsohas to be very fit, and because of the dangers of sleeping for long periods of time she’s in themiddle of the ocean, she has trained herself to sleep for about 20 minutes at a time.

  And she needs courage. Once, in the middle of the ocean, she had to climb the mast(桅杆)ofa boat to repair the sails — at four o’clock in the morning, with 100 kph winds blowing aroundher. It took her many hours to make the repairs; Ellen says: “I was exhausted when I camedown. It’s hard to describe how it feels to be up there. It’s like trying to hold onto a big pole,which for me is just too big to get my arms around, with someone kicking you all the time andtrying to shake you off”.

  But in her diary, Ellen also describes moments which make it all worthwhile(值得的): “Abeautiful sunrise started the day, with black clouds slowly lit by the bright yellow sun. I have avery strong feeling of pleasure, being out here on the ocean and having the chance to live this. Ijust feel lucky to be here”.

  31.In the Vendee Globe race, Ellen won

  A.the second place.

  B.a gold medal.

  C.the “Young Sailor of the Year” award.

  D.the “Best Woman Sailor” award.

  32.Ellen lived in a kind of hut for three years

  A.while she was learning how to repair sails.

  B.because she was ambitious for the coming race.

  C.while she was trying to get financial support for a race.

  D.because she was interested in country life.

  33.The word “solo” in the title could be best replaced by



  C.one performer.


  34.According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.She has to learn to repair sails.

  B.She has to be her own teacher.

  C.She has to be very fit.

  D.She has trained herself to sleep for about 20 minutes at a time.

  35.How does Ellen feel about the Vendee Globe race?

  A.It is enjoyable.

  B.It is surprising.

  C.It is dangerous.

  D.It is relaxing.