
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  ( )1. .horrible B.horse C.sort D.northern

  ( )2. .hospitl B.honour C.hotel D.however

  ( )3. .mnge B.mtter C.mdm D.mny

  ( )4. .gther B.government C.geogrphy D.grden

  ( )5. . bthroom B. eleventh C. brethe D. mths

  II. Vocbulry nd Structure

  ( )6. They ll look so hppy. They hve succeeded in persuding their techer.

  . cn B. will C. must D. would

  ( )7.  fight broke out mong the footbll fns nd soon it went control.

  . under B. beyond C. bove D. over

  ( )8. Not only you but lso I __________ mistken.

  . m B.hd C.were D.hve

  ( )9. Hrd s he worked from dy till night, he couldn't mke enough money to support his fmily.

  .nd B.but C.therefore D. 不填

  ( )10. George this morning?

  -Not yet, but he is sure to be here before noon.

  . Will you see B. Did you see C. Do you see D. Hve you seen

  ( )11. fter  long discussion, the workers hve finlly the decision tht they should hold on their strike for two more dys.

  . received B. found C. explined D. reched

  ( )12. Next weekend he will visit the irbse he worked 25 yers go.

  .when B.s C.where D.which

  ( )13. The sports tem of our province won they did t the lst Ntionl Gmes.

  . twice s mny gold medls s B. s mny twice gold medls s

  C. s mny s twice gold medls D. twice mny gold medls thn

  ( )14.Let's go out for  wlk long the river bnd.

  . Wht  fine dy B. Wht fine dy

  C. How fine dy D. How  fine dy

  ( )15. It remins  question when the new clssroom building .

  . will be completed B. hd been completed

  C. would be completed D. hs been completed

  ( )16. While we boys were working hrd in the grden, our sisters themselves in the sitting room.

  . hd enjoyed B. enjoy C. were enjoying D. would enjoy

  ()17. The pressure on the object in the wter chnges with the depth. , the further down you go , the greter the pressure is.

  . In other words B. In nother word

  C. By the wy D. In  wy

  ( )18. The Yngtze is the longest river in Chin, which some more bridges hve been built in the pst few yers.

  . onto B. through C. bove D. over

  ( )19. My mother knows Jne; they to ech other t  prty.

  . hve been introduced B. re introduced

  C. were introduced D. hd been introduced

  ( )20. I'm sure he understnds you feel. He's very clever.

  .when B.wht C.whether D.how  ( )21. In those dys we seldom went to the thetre, but we sw films

  . now nd then B. fter  time C. once nd gin D. in  while

  ( )22. Mny things impossible in the pst re quite common tody.

  . hving been considered B. to be considered

  C. considering D. considered

  ( )23. I'm not nturlly  morning person, I hve three clocks set for bout 6:30 .m.

  . becuse B.so C. though D. ll

  ( )24. tht the fmily hd tken with them ws one bottle of ornge.

  . nything B. Everything C. Wht D. ll

  ( )25. The newsppers nd mgzines in the reding-room outside.

  . re not to be tken B. re not to tke

  C. re not to be tken to D. re not tken to

  ( )26.  pipeline will be built to some estern provinces with nturl gs from the west of Chin.

  . supply B. send C. sell D. offer

  ( )27.Is it relly necessry to spend n hour in the bthroom every morning your hir?

  . to comb B. comb C. combing D. combs

  ( )28. he first herd of the chemist.

  . Tht ws from the techer tht B. It ws the techer whom

  C. It ws from the techer tht D. Tht ws the techer whom

  ( )29. Pssengers re dvised not their bgs unttended.

  . hving left B. to leve C. leve D. leving

  ( )30.hs been pointed out before, ir pollution is becoming more nd more serious in lrge cities.

  .Tht B. Wht C. Which D. s

  ( )31.Your mother ____for you everywhere. Where hve you been?

  .hd looked B.hs been looking C.looked D.ws looking

  ( )32.Mr. Wilson sked me if thse islnds_________Itly.

  .hve been belonged to B.re belong to

  C.belong to D.belonged to

  ( )33.He _______TV when I dropped in lst night.

  .ws wtching B.hd wtched C.wtched D.hve been wtching

  ( )34.He ______mny experiences he ever_____in his childhood.

  .grdully forget; hd B.is grdully forgetting; hd

  C.ws grdully forgetting; hd hd D.hve grdully forgotten; hd

  ( )35.ccidents hppened frequently t tht section of the rod, but no ccidents_____since lst winter.

  .hve ccurred B.doesn't hve C.didn't hve D.hsn't hve

  ( )36.When he_____ new word in reding he_____consult the dictionry immeditely.

  .comes cross;likes to B.cme cross;like to

  C.hs come cross; like to D. comes cross;like to

  ( )37.I hope tht she______to the demnds of the nughty boys.

  .will not hve greed B.will not gree

  C.will not be greed D.will not hve been greed

  ( )38."Is the monitor in?" "He _____to the librry."

  .hs been B.hs gone C.goes D.went

  ( )39.She gve me tht notebook on my birthdy, nd I____it it in my drwer.

  .hve since kept B.since kept C.m since keeping D.hd since kept

  ( )40.You ought to hve put the milk in the refrigetor, now_____sour.

  .it is smelt B.I smelt C.it smells D.it ws smelling  ( )

  41.I bought the bred lst week. It_____stle. You'd better not tke it now.

  .is going B.ws C.hd been D.is bout to

  ( )42.He hd lredy known the news before I _____him of it.

  .hd informed B.could inform C.would inform D.hve informed

  ( )43.He_____for six yers by the time he tkes the IELTS exmintion next week.

  .studied English B.hd been studying English

  C.studies English D.will hve been studying English

  ( )44.The school uthorities nd techers _____over the dvntges nd disdvntges of the eductionl system.

  .were lwys rgued B.were lwys rguing

  C.hd lwys rgued D.hd lwys been rgued

  ( )45.When I sw her smiling fce, I knew she_____the first prize of the speech contest.

  .hs B.hs hd C.hd hd D.ws hving

  ( )46.The united Sttes______fifty sttes.

  .consisted of B.is consisted of C.consistes of D.consists

  ( )47.The Chinese food_____delicious.

  .re tsted B.tste C.is tsted D.tstes

  ( )48.Your hir needs_____. You'd better hve it_____tomorrow.

  .cutting; done B.cutting;to be done C.being cut;done D.to be cut;to be done

  ( )49._______,wood will soon burst into  flme.

  .Heting B.when heting C.Being heted D.When heted

  ( )50."How do you like your new position?" "I_____with it."

  .don't stisfy B.m not stisfied C.cn't stisfy D.hven't stisfy

  ( )51.there re more thn fifty proposls______t the conference.

  .discussed B.to be discussed C.discussing D.hving discussed

  ( )52.By the end of lst yer the rilwy_______.

  .ws being completed B.would be completed

  C.hd completed D.hd finlly been completed

  ( )53.By the time the uthor comes bck from brod, ll the books_______.

  .will hve punished B.will hve been punished

  C.will be punished D.hve been punished

  ( )54.I wondered____to come for the prty.

  .should he been sked B.he sked

  C.if he should hve been sked D.if he should hve sked

  ( )55.Some forms of physicl eduction_____by schools cross the ntion.

  .hve been prctised B.prctised C.which prctised D.hve prctised

  III. Reding Comprehension


  I ws 14 when Mr. Ingrm knocked on our frmhouse door in Scred Hert, Okl. The old frmer lived bout  mile down the rod nd needed help cutting grss. It ws the first time I ws ctully pid for work- bout 12 cents n hour, not bd when you consider it ws 1939,  time when there ws little business ctivity.

  Mr. Ingrm liked the job I did nd ended up hiring me to dig pottoes. I even helped when  bby cow ws being born.

  One dy he found n old truck tht ws stuck in the soft, sndy soil of the melon(瓜)field. It ws full of melons tht someone hd tried to stel before their truck got stuck.

  Mr. Ingrm explined tht the truck's owner would be returning soon, nd he wnted me to wtch nd len. It wsn't long before  mn from  nerby villge, who hd  terrible reputtion(名声)for fighting nd steling, showed up with his two full-grown sons. They looked very ngry.

  Clmly Mr. Ingrm sid,"Well,I see you wnt to buy some wtermelons."

  There ws  long silence before the mn nswered,"Yeh,I guess so. Wht re you getting for them?"

  "Twenty-five cents ech."

  "Well. I guess tht would be fir enough if you help me get my truck out of here."

  It turned out to be our biggest sle of the summer,nd n unplesnt,perhps unfortunte,incident hd been prevented. fter they left,Mr. Ingrm smiled nd sid to me,"Son,if you don't forgive(原谅)your enemies, you're going to run out of friends." Mr. Ingrm died  few yers lter,but I hve never forgotten him or wht he tught me on my first job.

  ( )56. Which of the following best explins "ended up" s is used in the pssge ?

  . enjoyed B. finished C. got into D. went on

  ( )57. The truck owners were ngry becuse .

  . they filed to get the melons wy without being seen

  B. they forgot to hve their truck checked before they strted

  C. they hd got too mny melonson the truck

  D. they knew they hd  bd reputtion

  ( )58. Why didn't the truck owners fight to get wy the melons.

  . The old frmer ws  strong enemy. B.The price offered for the melons ws very low.

  C.It ws hrd to strt  fight ginst friendly people.

  D.It ws necessry to get the truck out before nything


  You get ll sorts of demnds, nd the mrk of  good hotel is to supply whtever is sked for without sounding surprised. If  guest sks for rubber glover(手套), you don't sk why. You sy, "No problem. Wht colour do you wnt?"

  There hve been some demnds which, much s I would hve liked to fill, I couldn't.  Jpnese businessmn, for exmple, thought the mnger of  hotel ws like the cptin of  ship so he sked me to mrry him nd the womn he loved. There ws one time, however, we did help out.  young mn thought tht if he sked his girlfriend to mrry him t the Ritz she would sy yes. He sked us to pt the ring in  cke, nd she ccepted.

  Top hotels re used more nd more to impress. They re used for doing business. If you've got something to sell, tke your clients(客户) to the best hotel where the surroundings re quite helpful.  friend of mine working t Svoy Hotel tells the story bout  mn who gve him 5 pounds to sy " good morning, Mr. Smith" when he wlked through the door with two other men. This he did , nd could her Mr. Smith sying, "I do wish they would leve me lone t this plce."

  ccording to Julin Pyne, the most powerful people in ny hotel re the porters, who crry bgs for hotel guests. "Porters cn do lmost nything. They cn get you tbles t the best resturnts r tickets for  populr concert. Don't sk me how they do it or wht their del is becuse I don't know. Most of them hve been there for yers. They know more bout the history of the hotel nd the guests thn nyone else. They re invluble.  hed porter will come in even on his dy off so he cn sy hello to someone he remembers visiting the hotel yers go."

  ( )59. When guests sk for something strnge, the mnger of  good hotel would think_________.

  . how he cn meet their needs B. why they hve such demnds

  C.wht problems the hotel hs D. who is the best person to go to

  ( )60. Which of the following exmples explins "we did help out"?

  . The hotel bought  ring for  young ldy. B. Jpnese mrried the womn he loved.

  C.The mnger once cted s  cptin. D. young ldy greed to mrry her boyfriend.

  ( )61. By sying "I do wish they would leve me lone t this plce, " Mr. Smith .

  . showed tht he disliked such people t the hotel

  B. gve the impression tht he ws  constnt guest

  C. tried to mke his clients feel sorry for him

  D. sounded s if he ws tired of such greetings

  ( )62. Why re the porters considered the most powerful people in expensive hotels?

  . they sell tickets for converts. B. they cn complete difficult tsks.

  C.they know the history of hotels. D.They usully work in  hotel for  long time.


  Tke  deep breth nd spend  week with the Lee fmily in Minnepolis. The three older children-nn, 12, Nthn, 9 , nd Kristin, 7-ply one sport or nother lmost ll yer round.(Lis is only 1 so she gets  brek here.) nn's prcticing footbll, volleybll, bsketbll nd softbll. Nthn nd Kristin do them ll except volleybll. In the summer, dd on tennis nd swim lessons.

  ll of this mens tht dd, Drwin,  techer, nd mom, Jonn,  nurse, spend  lot of time mking sure everyone gets where he needs to be. Fmily dimmers? Forget bout it.  busy fmily timetble, sys Brbr Crlson.  school techer, hs become the new thing tht shows your sttus(地位)。 " It used to be  house or cr," sys Crlson. "Now you sy,' You' er busy? You should see how busy we re. '"P>

  In hope of getting their children into Hrvrd, mny prents send their children to violin lessons t 3 nd sign them up for tennis s soon s they're big enough to hold  bt. nd tht's just the wrm-up. The rel serious tsk begins s soon s they strt school. Mr. Mofft, fther of  nine-yer-old boy, sid, "It's importnt for children to lern honour nd responsibility (责任)," he sys. "It builds discipline (纪律性) nd chrcter."

  Mybe, but scientists sy tht too mny outside ctivities destroy something children need even more - time to connect with their fmily members. Professor Willim J. Doherty,  University of Minnesot professor of fmily socil science sys tht if prents nd children don't mke time for ech other, there will be problems. He sys, "Prents re so eger to develop the children in every possible wy tht rising children becomes like product development."

  ( )63. Which child of the Lee fmily hs more ctivities thn the others?

  . Nthn B. Kristin C. nn D. Lis

  ( )64. Which of the following is True of the Lee fmily?

  .  busy timetble is something new. B.The children re tken wherever they wnt to go.

  C.Lis is free becuse she only hs one ctivity. D.It is difficult to hve  fmily dinner.

  ( )65. Why do some prents mke their children prctice sports or music even when they re very young?

  . To fill up the timetble for their spre time. B.To find them  wy into best universities.

  C. To help them do well in school. D.To show  kind of socil sttus.

  ( )66. wht might the writer suggest prents should do for children?

  . Get them into vrious ctivities. B.Build up  close fmily tie for them.

  C.Prepre them for school s erly s possible.

  D.Help them understnd honour nd responsibility.


  BEIJING(ssocited Press)-Chin hs  growing middle clss,  trdition(传统) of expecting eduction nd 21 million new bbies every yer. Selling eductionl toys should be esy.

  While Chin my be the world's biggest toy-mker. Much of the best is exported (出口) . Deprtment stores here do not hve enough high-qulity toys. It is sid tht the demnd for eductionl toys is low.

   Us compny, BbyCre, is trying to chnge tht with  new wy to sell toys in Chin.

  BbyCre works bsiclly together with doctors in Beijing hospitls. People who join the compny's "mother's club" get lectures nd newsletters on bby nd child development t no extr cost - if they gree to spend 18 dollrs  month on the compny's eductionl toys nd childcre books.

  "We wnt to build  seven-yer reltionship with those people," sid Mtthew J. Estes, BbyCre's president. "It strts during pregnncy (孕期) , when the nxiety nd needs re highest." BbyCre works on  one-to-one bsis. Doctors, nurses, nd techers-pid by BbyCre-dvise prents, explining toys tht re designed for children t ech stge (阶段) of development to ge six.

  BbyCre opened its first store in Chin lst June in  shopping center in centrl Beijing nd nother ner Beijing Zoo. It plns to hve 80 stores in Chin within six yers.

  It is  new model for Chin nd develops  mrket in young children's eduction nd helth tht no other compnies re in.

  ( )67. Wht do the first two prgrphs minly tell us?

  . Eductionl toys nd foreign toy mrkets.

  B. Problems with Chin's toy Mrkey nd eduction.

  C. Resons for pushing sles of eductionl toys in Chin.

  D. Bby popultion nd vrious kinds of toys mde in Chin.

  ( )68. Which of the following is  fct ccording to the pssge?

  . Club members buy BbyCre products for free child-cre dvice.

  B. Doctors in Beijing help in mking BbyCre products.

  C. Prents re encourged to py $ 18 for club ctivities.

  D. BbyCre trins Chinese doctors t no extr cost.

  ( )69. BbyCre is developing its business in Chin buy .

  . opening stores in Beijing hospitls B.offering 18-month courses on child-cre

  C. setting up children's eduction centers D.forming close reltionships with prents

  ( )70. Which of the following would be the most suitble title for the pssge?

  . Mother's club in Chin B. BvyCre nd Doctors

  C. mericn Compny Model D. Eductionl Toys On

  IV. Dily Converstion

  .yes, of course. B. I'm sorry, but he is not in. C.Here you re.

  D.No. It begn fter I got there. E.OK, fine. F. Hve you?

  G. Yes, I've lredy done tht. H. Yes. I will. Thnk you.

  ( )71.Tom: Would you mind pssing me the slt?


  ( )72.my: Do you think you could show me the wy to the librry?


  ( )73.Peter: Did you miss the beginning of the concert yesterdy?


  ( )74. Simon: Could I see Dr. Brown, plese?


  ( )75. John: I'd like to book five tickets, plese, for the erky morning flight to Pris on June 10th.

  Jne: Five tickets.________________.

  V. Writing

  Direction: For this prt, you re supposed to write n nnouncement in 100-120 words bsed on the following sitution. Remember to write it clerly


  1. 非常高兴得知王强在准备高考,並鼓励他一定能克服各种困难取得好成绩。

  2. 告诉他你将去无锡旅游,你将乘火车于5月1日早晨6点到达,请他接站,并请他帮你安排1至4日的住宿(旅馆最好靠近市中心,房间可以小一些,但不要太贵)。

  3. 此外,你还要他帮你订5日返回上海的火车票。










