
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  Ⅰ. Phonetics (10 points)


  In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1.A. mark B. warm C. ward D. war

  2.A. three B. those C. thank D. theatre

  3.A. wind B. kind C. find D. mind

  4.A. plant B. craft C. grasp D. at

  5.A. now B. knowledge C. bow D. allow

  6.A. says B. plays C. stays D. days

  7.A. leave B. scream C. head D. lead

  8.A. resemble B. resist C. resolve D. respect

  9.A. fault B. daughter C. cause D. laugh

  10.A. crew B. new C. few D. dew

  Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)


  There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  11. Which is ______ country, the United States or Canada?

  A. a larger B. larger C. the larger D. the largest

  12. The silk feels ________.

  A. soft B. softly C. softness D. softy

  13. Two nuclear power stations _______ in the past ten years.

  A. are built B. have been built C. would be built D. are building

  14. They kept on ______ till they got to the foot of the hill.

  A. to run B. running C. runing D. run

  15. There is much work to do, _______?

  A. isn’t it B. is there C. isn’t there D. is it

  16. _______ as he is, he can’t understand the English film.

  A. A student of English B. Though a student of English

  C. Student of English D. Being a student of English

  17. The old in the country _______ taken good care of.

  A. have B. has C. is D. are

  18. Not a single mistake _______ in the test.

  A. he made B. did he make C. he has made D. made he

  19. ______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.

  A. For B. To C. To be D. On

  20. She never agree _______ you, did she?

  A. to B. with C. in D. at   21. Would you mind _______ a photo of you?

  A. me take B. to take C. my taking D. me to take

  22. The lady treats the boy well as if he ______ her own son.

  A. is B. was C. were D. would be

  23. _______ round the city, we were impressed by the city’s new look.

  A. Taken B. Taking C. To be taken D. Being taken

  24. He had a pain _______ his back.

  A. on B. with C. in D. onto

  25. The city _______ I was born is on the new railway line.

  A. which B. that C. on which D. where

  26. I had _______ that I would always remember it.

  A. so a good experience B. such a good experience

  C. so good an experience D. such good an experience

  27. ______ give us help is welcome.

  A. Who ever B. Whoever C. No matter who D. Those who

  28. After running for nearly half an hour, I was ________.

  A. out of place B. out of control C. out of breath D. out of practice

  29. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _______.

  A. on himself B. on his own C. to himself D. by own

  30. You had better _______ a jacket, because it is cold outside.

  A. take on B. to take on C. put on D. to put on

  31. If you will do that, please take me into ________.

  A. think B. thinking C. thought D. account

  32. My pen has _______ ink.

  A. run out of B. a few C. run away D. no little

  33. There are, of course, bad teachers as well as ________.

  A. good one B. some good C. good ones D. those good

  34. “______ haste, the less speed” is good advice he often gives us.

  A. More B. The more C. The morer D. Morer

  35. You do look _______. You are not at all like a person who has been ill in bed for years.

  A. good B. well C. sad D. disappointed

  36. Some people like to eat apples. But some prefer bananas _______ apples.

  A. to B. for C. with D. against

  37. I _______ here two years ago.

  A. moved to B. have moved C. have moved to D. moved

  38. He is _______ strong a man ________ he can lift ten stones like this one.

  A. such…so B. so…that C. such a …that D. so a …for

  39. It _______ they who lent me the television.

  A. was B. is C. were D. are

  40. A famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying, “______ man is really happy without a hobby.”

  A. Not B. Without C. No D. None

  41. Television broadcasts are ________ to an area that is within sight of the sending station of its relay.

  A. prohibited B. bounded C. limited D. restricted

  42. Many things ________ impossible in the past are common today.

  A. to consider B. being considered C. considering D. considered

  43. My parents wanted _______ me.

  A. make a scientist B. to make a scientist

  C. make a scientist of D. to make a scientist of

  44. He has a bad habit of ________ others when they are speaking.

  A. involving B. investigating C. interfering D. interrupting

  45. I like that new watch very much, but I can’t ________it.

  A. cost B. offer C. pay D. spend

  46. Tom arrived at the office and discovered that he had _______ his door key.

  A. lent B. borrowed C. lost D. no

  47. The beautiful scene left a deep _______ on the foreign visitors.

  A. thought B. idea C. thinking D. impression

  48. The room is a little small; _______ it is so hot.

  A. in addition B. in addition to C. additional D. adding

  49. I wish I ______ her address yesterday.

  A. know B. had known C. would known D. knew

  50. It ______ yesterday. The ground is still wet now.

  A. must have rained B. was raining C. rained D. had rained

  Ⅲ. Cloze (20 points)


  For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money. Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services. But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident. Such crises usually _54_ great expense. Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses. Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis. An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis. There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire. Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kind. Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need.

  51.A. for B. from C. against D. with

  52.A. such as B. for example C. that D. the same as

  53.A. predict B. ahead C. in advance D. earlier

  54.A. result from B. make C. take D. result in

  55.A. cover B. pay back C. fill D. make full

  56.A. that B. by which C. what D. where

  57. A. said B. agree C. make sure D. states

  58.A. include B. including C. as well as D. also

  59.A. which B. that C. as D. like

  60.A. never B. ever C. sometimes D. often