
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  A: Adrienne Lambert speaking.

  A:我是Adrienne Lambert。

  B: Hello, Adrienne. This is George here. I've been thinking. There are three things we need to think about. Firstly, the salary structure ...


  A: Salary structure ...


  B: Yes, we certainly need that on the agenda...


  A: Oh I see, this is the agenda for…


  B: Yes, yes. Um, we should include pensions ...oh yes, but perhaps before that there's other benefits.


  A: So are we talking about next month's HR meeting?


  B: Yes, I'd like you to circulate it before the meeting.


  A: I see. Could we go over it again?


  Call 2 (Answerphone message)

  Call 2 电话答录机上的留言

  A: Meribel Communications. The office is not manned at the moment. If you'd like to leave your name, telephone number and any message, we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Speak clearly after the beep.

  A:这里是Meribel Communications公司。现在办公室没人接听电话。如果你留下你的姓名、电话号码和留言,我们会尽快答复你。在哔声后清楚地说出。



  B: Um ... I'm phoning about an order, um ... My phone number is... my home phone number is…01972 ... no, actually I'd better leave you my work number. It's 0171 567 9903 ... um ... yes, I ordered a copy of your new communications software package more than, um, three weeks ago. Can you get back to me? My name's Brian Milthorp, by the way.

  B:嗯。我打电话来是询问一个订单….我的电话号码是….我家里的号码是01972….不,实际上我留工作号更好:0171 567 9903。嗯,是的….我在三周多前订购了你们公司一个新的通讯软件包。你们能回复我吗?顺便说下,我是Brian Milthorp。