
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Conversation 1


  A: We are interested in some precision machine tools. We have some inquires on hand.


  B: That's fine. We can supply all kinds of precision machine tools. Our products are much admired in the world market and enjoy a wide acceptance in modern industry.

  B:太好了!我们能供应各种精密机床,我们的产品在世 界市场上是很受欢迎的,在现代工业中也被广泛应用。

  A:Can I have a look at your catalogue and the corresponding technical data?


  B:Why,of course. Here are some that will show you our latest development. You may select which ever you need.

  B:当然可以。这是些有关我们最新技术发展情况的样 本,从中可选择你需要的产品。

  A:I think our users have the impression that your prices are always much too high, compared with those of other supplies.

  A:我想我们的用户认为你们的价格与其他供应商所出的 价格相比,太高了。

  B : Excuse me. It’s true that our products do cost slightly more than the other makers, but Ifs only due to our technological superiority.

  B:请原谅,我们的产品是由于具有髙技术性能而比其他 厂家的产品贵一点。

  A:Your products may have certain advantages, but your prices are too stiff.

  A:你们的产品可能有一定的优点,但你们的要价确实太 髙了

  B:lf you give us your inquiry, I shall go very carefully into the price and try my best to put you on the best of the terms.

  B:如果你把询价给我们,我们愿把价格好好算一算,尽最 大努力给你们最优惠的条件。

  A:OK,I'll come back to discuss it to some details after our users have studied your catalogues and price list.

  A:好的。等我们的用户研究了你们的目录和价目表以 后,再详细谈。

  B:Yes,surely. We hope to do some substantial business with you.


  Conversation 2


  A: We're interested in your Drawn Works. What about the supply position?


  B:For most of the articles in the catalog, we have good supply.


  A:Here's our inquiry list. You’ll find the required items, specifications and quantities all there.


  B: Thanks. I’ll look into it and let you have our firm offers tomorrow.


  A:l don't need to remind you that the market has become very competitive.


  B:You'll find our prices very favorable.


  A:That's fine. By the way, do you quote FOB or CIF?


  B:Either can be done, though we usually quote on CIF basis.


  A:Then would you please make your prices CIF including five percent?


  B:Certainly. We can work them out for you.
