
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】

  Ⅰ Introducing yourself & Introducing some else

  E.g. 1

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

  I’m so happy to be here today.

  I’d like to introduce myself.

  My name is Jennifer.

  I come from Kaohsiung.

  I’ve been living in Taipei for three years.

  I am a student.

  I like outdoor life.

  I’m interested in sports, especially mountain-climbing.

  I like making friends with people from all over the world.

  I hope we’ll become good friends.

  Thank you, everybody!


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

  This is Michael Wang.

  You’ve all heard about him.

  He’s a good friend of mine.

  You’ll have a chance to chat with him.

  Let’s make him feel at home.

  Here he is.

  Michael Wang. Big wheel

  Let’s give him a big hand.

  Ⅱ Presentation

  Introducing yourself



  Good morning/afternoon

  How do you do?Let me introduce myself. My name’s___________________

  My name’s________________

  I’m______________________Pleased to meet you.


  Nice to meet you.


  Nice to meet you.


  Introducing someone else

  Request for introductionIntroductionResponse

  Could you introduce me to______________________?

  I haven’t met_____________

  I don’t know anyone here. You’ll have to introduce me.

  Of course. Let me introduce you to__________________

  I’m sorry. This is__________

  Of course. I’ll introduce you to_______________________, this is____________________

  Let me introduce you two. ___________, this is________Nice to meet you.

  Very nice to meet you.

  Nice to meet you.

  Nice to meet you.

  Ⅲ Business Dialogue

  Dialogue 1 Introducing an Acquaintance

  Mr. Lee: We’ll get Miss Lewis’ opinion on this, I think.

  Mr. Jones: Miss Lewis…I’ve heard that name. Oh yes! I heard she is one of the secrets of this company’s success. Everyone was raving about what a great job she’s done in motivating the … (interrupted by Mr. Lee)

  Mr. Lee: Uh, Mike … speak of the devil … the famous Miss Lewis is standing right behind you. Mary, let me introduce our new Accounting Manager’ Mike Jones. Mike, this is Mary Lewis.

  Mr. Jones: So you’re the famous Miss Lewis! So nice to meet you at last! I’ve heard so much about you.

  Miss Lewis: All good, I hope. It’s nice to meet you, too.

  Mr. Jones: Yes, I assure you, it was all good. What do you do in Human Resources?

  Miss Lewis: I’m the General Manager of Human Resources. I took over from Jim when he stepped down a few years ago. And how long have you been in the Accounting Department?

  Mr. Jones: Just started, I’m afraid. But I hope to see more of you in the future. It was so nice to finally meet you.

  Miss Lewis: Same here. I’m looking forward to working with you.

  Dialogue 2 The Lunch Meeting

  Mr. Lee: You must be Miss King. I’m Leo Lee. Wow, you look just as you described on the phone.

  Miss King: Yes, I am Miss King. But please call me Betty. It’s great to meet you, Mr. Lee. Thanks for suggesting a lunch meeting. I’ve got a hectic schedule, so this is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

  Mr. Lee: Me, too, and it’s my pleasure. You must be wondering who my friend here is. I’ve taken the liberty of inviting my assistant, Mr. Young. He’ll be taking a few notes.

  Miss King: Great! Nice to meet you. It’s always good to have someone to keep track of things when you’re brainstorming.

  Mr. Young: Nice to meet you, too.

  Mr. Lee: Well, let’s go through the buffet line and then we can get down to business.

  Ⅳ Introduction to BP Speaking







  vocabulary & grammar

  discourse management

  interactive communication




  Cambridge examiner









