
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


  1.How does the man like the English language spoken by the woman?

  A. Fairly good.  B. Excellent.

  C. Strange.

  2.What country does Susan presently call her home?

  A. Spain. B. New Zealand.

  C. United Kingdom.

  3.How did the woman know so much about Egypt?

  A. She learned from the book.

  B. She learned from a long film.

  C. Her uncle told her.

  4.Which of the following places didn't the woman visit?

  A. America. B. Wales.

  C. Scotland.

  5.How is the man probably getting to work?

  A. On foot. B. By bus.

  C. By car.




  6.Where is the man from?

  A. Britain. B. Scotland.

  C. England.

  7.What is true according to the passage?

  A. Scotland lies to the south of England.

  B. Scotland is a part of Britain.

  C. Scotland lies to the east of England.


  8.How long will it take the man to get to the museum?

  A. Half an hour.       B. About a quarter.

  C. Two hours.

  9.Where can the man buy a city map?

  A. At the street corner. B. At the bookstore.

  C. At the gate of the museum.


  10.What has the woman come to the office for?

  A. To ask for a job. B. To see her friend.

  C. To make fun of the man.

  11.Which place does the woman want to go?

  A. A larger country. B. A nearer country.

  C. A new and different country.

  12.Why does the woman dislike working in the Middle East?

  A. Because she hates living there.

  B. Because she lived there for years.

  C. Because it is far from home.


  13.How long is the vacation?

  A. 25 days.   B. 10 days.

  C. 5 days.

  14.Where is the man going together with his family?

  A. Hawaii. B. Europe.

  C. America.

  15.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

  A. His wife wants to buy books during the vacation.

  B. His children are all excited.

  C. He wants to go to Europe.

  16.How will the woman's family visit friends?

  A. By ship. B. By boat.

  C. By air.


  17.How many people are there in Basel?

  A. Over 350,000. B. Over 650,000.

  C. Over 35,000.

  18.What language does most of the people speak in Basel?

  A. English. B. German.

  C. French.

  19.How many countries meet at Basel?

  A. Three. B. Four.

  C. Five.

  20.When was the University of Basel founded?

  A. 1416. B. 1460.

  C. 1466.

  答案:1-5 BCCAC 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 CBBAB

  16-20 CABAB


  Text 1

  M:I was born in New Zealand,what about you? Where are you from?

  W:I'm Chinese.

  M:Chinese? But your English is excellent. Where did you learn English?

  W:In China.

  Text 2

  M:Where did Susan come from?

  W:She was born in Spain and grew up in New Zealand, but now she is a citizen of Britain.