
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  Insect Brain System Knows What You Want


  The goal for a lot of tech companies today: figure out what you, their customer, want next, before you even ask. It’s driven by something called similarity search.


  "If you go to Y*Tube and you watch a video they’re going to suggest similar videos to the one you’re watching. That’s similarity search. If you go to Amazon and look for similar products to the one you’re going to buy, that’s similarity search."


  Saket Navlakha, a computer scientist at the Salk Institute. He says we do similarity searches too, for example, when we scan faces in a crowd for the one we know. And even fruit files do a version, related to smell:

  萨克生物研究学院电脑科学家,Saket Navlakha说,我们也做类似搜索,例如说,你可以在人群中,扫描这些人的脸面找到你所认识的那个人。甚至是水果也有一个版本,它与气味相关:

  "So the fly is having to solve a similar problem, of kind of searching through its database of previous experiences and previous odors it has smelled, to determine what should be the most appropriate behavioral response to that odor."


  But flies tag incoming odors differently from the way modern search algorithms parse similarity. A small group of neurons makes an initial evaluation of the smell. Then a much larger set of neurons is activated to make a final decision about the smell. Rather than the way a computer similarity search does it, taking something with many dimensions, and simplifying it down to a few.


  So Navlakha and his colleagues tweaked computer similarity search functions to do it fly style. And then pitted the fly-inspired algorithms against conventional ones. And the biologically inspired code won out, better at telling ’like’ from ’unlike’ on an image-similarity test.

  因此,Navlakha和他的同事们按照蝇子的方式对电脑搜索功能进行了轻微调整。然后针对传统的方式,对受蝇子启发的算法进行标点处理。在一场类似相片的辨别 ‘相似’与‘非相似’的测试中,这种受生物启发的编码方式胜出且表现更好。

  "You know evolution figured it out, it figured out a very elegant solution to this very important problem." The report is in the journal Science.


  Navlakha says he and his team are looking to partner with tech companies now, in hopes of endowing machines with the time-tested problem-solving abilities of the brain. Even if it’s a fruit fly brain.



  China’s Singles’ Day tops US$1.5bil in first three minutes


  It’s a shopping spree of epic proportions and all it took was three minutes for the numbers on this screen to reach 10 billion yuan.


  That’s the equivalent of more than 1.5 billion dollars and it’s just the beginning forsales and Alibaba’s Singles Day, an annual online discount sales gala that’sbecome the world’s biggest spender-thon.


  Once a celebration for China’s Lonely Hearts, Singles day has become a 24-hourextravaganza that outsells Black Friday and Cyber Monday US sales combined.


  The event has shoppers around China scouting for bargains while delivery men and robots brace foran estimated 1.5 billion parcels expected over the next few days.

  活动激动人心,吸引全中国的顾客搜罗特价商品,快递员和快递机器人预期要在未来几天派送 15亿件包裹。

  Alibaba says the rise in China’s middle class consumers is driving the sales and theoverall total is likely to top last year’s, something analysts and investors will be watching closely in the coming hours.
