
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  dear mr Gao

  applIcatIon for the posItIon of executIve assIstant

  I am pleased to respond to your advertIsement for the above posItIon advertIsed In the on january 4. I belIeve my traInIng and experIence strongly qualIfy me for thIs job.

  my four years of executIve experIence at xyz hotel have equIpped me wIth a multItude of skIlls. I assIsted In the promotIon of the restaurant wIthIn a prIvate placement sales effort and the communIcatIon wIth Investors. besIdes, I am the only executIve assIstant entrusted wIth clIent greetIng and other hospItalIty servIces. I am sure I would be an asset at your company.

  I would welcome the opportunIty to meet you and dIscuss ways In whIch my capabIlItIes could be dIrected to suIt your needs. thank you for your consIderatIon.

  yours sIncerely

  steven Dan






