
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  Distinguished leadership:

  hello! Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance review my cover letter.

  My department hanyang university foreign language foreign trade college English department 20 xx year graduates, faced with choosing a career, I filled with longing and expectation, willing to openly to the expensive unit cover, and put my material letter attached, please review.

  I graduated from a young school, has created an unyielding sixteen years of often grueling study, and I. Life is short and full four years of university, one thousand days and nights, I once more the boat of wisdom, to meet sunrise and sunset, floating in the ocean of knowledge. I understand that the modern society, the opportunities and challenges; I know: only unremitting efforts will have a good harvest. It is with this conviction, I am optimistic and enterprising spirit, work hard learning attitude, down-to-earth style of work, team cooperation principles of life, forge ahead, beyond the self, strive to become an innovative, interdisciplinary talents actively open.

  College life is one of the most important stage in my life, I explore life, practice true value, transcendental knowledge, to the more mature process. During this period I learned not only textbook knowledge, such as computer, legal basis, marxist political economics and other public courses and intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking, listening, writing, translation, Japanese, psychology and other professional courses, as well as the foundation of mathematical culture, economic management, logical thinking and methods, western philosophy wisdom and elective courses, such as natural dialectics also truly understand the meaning of life, the values of life. In the later work, I can be engaged in English translation, the administrative management, economic management, English education, modern office, secretarial and import and export trade and related work. Over the years, I determined to do a learn this specialized outstanding university student, I not only have solid theoretical foundation, but also has the certain actual operation ability and bear hardships and stand hard work the team spirit of cooperation. Born in rural family makes me have hard, endure hardship, pragmatic, and progressive spirit and style. Rural life made me honest, honest, good personality, cultivate the I am not afraid of difficult setbacks, indomitable fighting spirit.

  During the university, I constantly improve their own knowledge structure, improve their comprehensive quality. "God reward those who work hard," today I have systematic study and master the courses in all, by the department and familiar with international development needs of the situation. Because of this, many social practice during university. And the ability to integrate theory with practice, the inside and outside the school actively in practice, test their knowledge at the same time, make oneself have a strong ability to analyze and solve problems, at the same time, the student union organization and more strengthened my leadership and management skills, especially in the charm of the model on the stage when the company more strengthened my courage and confidence. Self-confidence and perseverance is my principle, and calm and optimism is my attitude of doing things, the hobby is widespread to make me more full. Facing career, I am full of confidence to the society and their own, eager to get social recognition, can have the opportunity to play to their talents, contribute to the society.

  "Ten years grinding sword, this gentleman". I don't have a famous university diploma to sponsor, also does not have the rich political background to decorate, but I, I have a healthy natural confidence without arrogance, steady and innovative, mature and full of youthful spirit. I with this natural I wish the most sincere heart with other college students take your pick. "Says there are several teacher? Secondly the fear of the public," ", in the realistic society, the talented person Such as billions, that is, the god of the universe is also difficult to pick up one by one, if I can stand out, but the practice test to see the true value. Looking back, it is I have the courage to explore and study the knowledge accumulate accumulate road; Looking forward to the future, will be my dedicated to business career development path.

  Choose the good birds and habitat, and I choose the master and things. "respect of leadership, spread eagles are in urgent need of a sky, a good horse racing is yet to be a path. You have set the performance and broad development prospects I admire already a long time. Believe that I will use their own industrious sweat and colleagues strive together for the bright future of your company, and dedication of my young enthusiasm and intelligence. I sincerely hope to be one of them.

  I believe that the gold will shine! Past performance has become history, the glorious future needs unremitting efforts to create and implement. In this colorful colorful, changing s, only high quality, high quality, high ability of comprehensive talent before it can be in an impregnable position in the fierce competition. Believe you of the combination of your trust and my strength will bring the common success for us. I would appreciate your your evacuation a gu this letter!

  I hope you have a smooth work!


  Job: zhang xx




  我系汉阳大学外语 外贸 学院 英语 系20XX年应届毕业生,面临择业,我满怀憧憬和期待,愿坦诚地向贵单位自荐,并将我的材料函呈上,敬请审阅。

  我毕业于一所年轻的学校,十六年的寒窗苦读造就了自强不息的我。大学四年生活短暂而充实,一千来个日日夜夜,我荡起智慧之舟,迎朝阳,送落霞,遨游于知识的海洋。我明白:现代社会,机遇与挑战并存;我懂得:只有不懈的努力才会有好的收获。正是凭着这种信念,我以乐观向上的进取精神,勤奋刻苦的学习态度,踏实肯干的工作作风,团队合作的处世原则,开拓进取,超越自我,力争成为一名有创新精神,积极开放的复合型 人才

  大学生活是我人生中最重要的一个阶段,是我探索人生,实践真值,超然智慧,走向更加成熟的过程。在这期间我不但学习了课本上的知识,如计算机,法律基础,马克思政治经济学等公共课程和精读,泛读、口语、听力、写作、 翻译 、 日语 、心理学等专业课程,以及数学文化、经济管理基础、逻辑思维与方法、西方哲学智慧和自然辩证法等选修课程,还真正懂得了人生的意义,人生的价值。在以后的工作中,我能够从事 英语 翻译 ,行政管理,经济管理, 英语 教育,现代办公,文秘以及 进出口 贸易等相关工作。几年来,我立志做一个学好此专业的优秀大学生,我不仅有扎实的理论基础,而且有一定的实际操作能力以及吃苦耐劳团队合作精神。出生于农村家庭使我具备了勤奋、吃苦、务实、向上的精神和作风。农村生活铸就了我淳朴、诚实、善良的性格,培养了我不怕困难挫折,不服输的奋斗精神。


  “十年磨一剑,今日把示君”。我没有名牌大学的文凭来保荐,也没有丰富的政治背景来装潢,但我拥有一个健康自然的我,自信而不狂妄,稳重而富有创新,成熟而充满朝气。我愿凭着这个自然的我以最诚挚的心和其他大学生一起接受您的挑选。“英雄有几称夫子?忠义怕公号帝君”,现实社会中, 人才 如恒河沙数,即宇宙之神也难以一一捡拾,我是否能够脱颖而出,惟有实践验见真值。 回首过去,是我勇于探索勤于求学的知识蕴积之路;展望未来,将是我乐于奉献于业务的事业开拓之途。


  我相信:是金子总会发光!过去的成绩已成为历史,未来的辉煌需要坚持不懈的努力去创造和实现。在这斑斓多彩,日新月异的年代,只有高素质,高质量,高能力的综合性 人才 才能够在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。相信你的您的信任和我的实力的结合将会为我们带来共同的成功。蒙阁下抽暇一顾此函,不胜感激!



  求职 人:张xx