
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  dear leaders:


  first of all, thank you for the work in a busy paying attention to my personal statement, where you will savor a century, sincere and eager college students heart.

  i graduated from shenyang architecture university of property management. the new century, opportunities and challenges have become the theme of the times, while the rational selection and use of talents, then a period of time than in any previous era, more and demonstrate its importance. for the company to find a good assistant, i know your responsibilities and expectations, while seeking a deal that will play to their strengths while the work is my wish. i believe that with my abilities, knowledge can meet any challenge, the more convinced i will win the outstanding performance of your appreciation.

  the increasingly fierce competition for talent, opportunity and pressure coexist. after several years of university life in me to improve their own quality, solid professional basis into a higher eligibility criteria for personnel demands on themselves. i know xuehai a piece of good news, more aware of the significance of facing the wall a decade. . . . . .

  today, the early studies into, in order to be chibi huai-hui who hold good-lun in order to celebrities. challenges, i would like to show what they have learned and create a better future!

  world first, horses, after the maxima, i can not claim to pearl jewelry and more can not claim to superior scholarship, time to rush, knowledge at the beginning, from the school to the community, i know that there is a growing process. but fortunately, i live in the era of winds and waves, as long as there is more than the struggle and confidence, motivation does not decline, relying on the future of the pursuit and exploration of career dedication and love, i am confident that in a civilized, unity, collective progress, in doing everything we can add another brilliant, i will certainly live up to your expectations and love.

  i look forward to yet another challenge in life, but also look forward to the event of exposure before the development of good will work with unlimited space to go. give me a sky, i will make it more colorful, which i will never promise. look forward to your good news!

  loyal blessing: the prosperity of your company, all staff working smoothly!



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