
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  And my last way to stand out is to: Demonstrate/articulate yourGlobal Perspective.

  This really lends itself to highlightdiverse populations you’ve worked with, any International perspectives andtravel experiences you’ve had since this is something that will be replicatedin program through the class demographics, curriculum and experiential learningopportunities.

  Having a Global Perspective is increasingly important as our world isgetting smaller and smaller, in respect to how we do business these days, sincemany things have become so multinational and global in scope. It’s important that you have aglobal perspective and/or experience globally.

  第5点:也是很基本的一点。如果招生官再看你的材料时候发现拼写错误,语法错误,另外一所学校的名字等等对于你的录取情况都是有影响的。尤其是学校名字拼写错误的:是Johns Hopkins. 但还是看到很多申请者会有这样那样的拼写错误。

  Nice, what’s the 4th?

  My fourth piece of advice is to askyourself: What makes you different/unique?

  I always challenge applicants to thinkof ways to set themselves apart from the rest of the applicant pool. When theAdmissions person is done reading the entire application, they really want towalk away, feeling that they get you, get why you want the school and program,and if the program is a good fit. Know that, most often the review is veryholistic, so there are plenty of opportunities to highlight things that makeyou unique. We want to know how you’re going to contribute to the program onceyou’re here, and beyond the program as well. Think about hobbies and unique experiences you’ve hadthat would make an admissions officer go “wow!”

  On the flip side, don’t fabricatethings, since anything you put in your application, is fair game for theAdmissions Interviewer to ask you to elaborate and reflect on during a followup conversation or interview.

  Often times, applicants belittle/overlook their hobbies. This is a greatway to highlight some uniquely defining characteristics and experiences you’vehad that make you, you! Know that there is no “cookie cutter” student we’relooking for, and when we’re developing a class, we want diversity. We want people with various educational and professional backgrounds, non-traditional students, and those who have done some interesting things in their life/career.

