
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】


  Internal training notice

  Company owned by the unit party organizations:

  In order to adapt to the rapid development of enterprises, continue to meet the needs of expansion of the scale of construction, to further improve the publicity of personnel quality, build a love enterprise news report, loyal to the enterprise development promotion personnel, company Party committee decided recently in Henan Province held a news reports and corporate culture training class, we hereby make the following notice on the relevant issues.

  1, participating in the training staff and conditions of each unit is provided to select 1-2 in, especially in post office staff to actively participate in and encourage project management classes, English classes, college graduates to participate in the study. Ginseng training personnel should have a certain basis for the text, love the news propaganda work.

  2, the training of news writing knowledge, enterprise culture and the party, group management and other aspects of business knowledge.

  3, the initial training time: 4 months.

  4, recommend register units to fill in the details for the training of personnel registration form ", after the official seal on the afternoon of 28 x month 6:00 prequel to true job of Party committee of company of ministry. The company will be on the basis of the units on the basis of staff, to determine the best candidates.

  At present, enterprises are willing to or to fewer and fewer personnel engaged in propaganda work, the impact of the project office, the quality, hope all units from promoting enterprise development, construction of talents team highly actively recommend candidates, ensure the implementation of the personnel participating in the training.

  Company Party committee work department




  1、参培人员及条件 各单位务要选派1--2人参加,特别是在办公室岗位上工作人员要积极参加,鼓励工程管理类、中文类等大学本科毕业生参加学习。参培人员应具有一定的文字基础,热爱新闻宣传工作。



  4、推荐报名 各单位详细填写《培训人员登记表》,加盖公章后于x月28日下午6:00前传真至公司党委工作部。公司将在各单位推报人员基础上,择优确定参培人选。

