
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  Appeal to Emotion(情感)

  My childhood left three months ago on a plane to Austria.

  It was a 36 day when my baby cousins moved away. My cousins were a fundamental part ofmy life; 37 they were not with me, they were on my mind. They brought back the untroubleddays of my childhood, 38 games, adventures and silliness, but they also helped 39 me from anat-times selfish teenager into a responsible adult.

  My aunt and uncle moved here from Boston with their 1-year-old daughter Yasmeen. They livedin an apartment on the side of our house and I was 40 to have our family, especially a baby girl,so close to us. Yasmeen had close friendships with each of my sisters, but I knew the one that41 between us was the strongest. As she began to walk on her own and talk in full sentences, Irealized my great 42 upon her. I noticed that she’d 43 some of my unpleasant actions, 44 withher mother after I had done the same. Yasmeen made me realize what being a good 45 reallywas.

  When Maya was born, Yasmeen had a hard time 46 . She was jealous(妒忌)of the attentionwe all paid to her new younger sister, so I did my best to keep her company when she mighthave not been 47. Once Yasmeen overcame her jealousy, she was able to 48 Maya’spresence, like we all did. I tried to take advantage of our times together, doing my best to 49my schedule for my two favorite people.

  My 50 with Yasmeen and Maya has taught me the importance of influential people. I know thatI have helped Yasmeen and Maya 51 , but “the babies” have had an even greater influence onmy own life. They have shown me how to be a parent, a sister, a child, and most importantly, afriend. Our 52 has made me a better person—a more patient person, with the ability to 53endless questions and spilled(洒)juice; an 54 person, able to have fun and be happy withothers; a role model, 55 the babies ideas about right and wrong, and a compassionateperson, able to forgive and love.

  36. A. sad B. busy C. fine D. relaxing

  37. A. until B. before C. when D. unless

  38. A. against B. through C. besides D. for

  39. A. lead B. challenge C. mature D. encourage

  40. A. overjoyed B. embarrassed C. surprised D. afraid

  41. A. ended B. started C. survived D. developed

  42. A. pressure B. dependence C. mercy D. influence

  43. A. doubt B. regret C. copy D. guide

  44. A. debating B. arguing C. negotiating D. checking

  45. A. leader B. partner C. friend D. example

  46. A. sharing B. adjusting C. recognizing D. struggling

  47. A. noticed B. admired C. comforted D. protected

  48. A. ignore B. mind C. sense D. enjoy

  49. A. affect B. accept C. free D. ruin

  50. A. instruction B. experiment C. experience D. interview

  51. A. grow B. succeed C. think D. behave

  52. A. meeting B. relationship C. responsibility D. respect

  53. A. review B. tolerate C. repeat D. avoid

  54. A. honest B. independent C. aggressive D. enthusiastic

  55. A. showing B. writing C. awarding D. permitting





  Let’s Go Fly a Kite . . .

  —at Piedmont Middle School’s celebration of kites!

  Come and learn how to build all sorts of kites, from the simplest diamond-shaped kites to themost complex box kites. Stay as long as you like and build as many kites as you want. Onceyou have finished a kite, get advice on flying techniques from kite expert LorenaHallsberg.Thecelebration will be at Piedmont Middle School, 151 Piedmont School Drive.

  The Piedmont Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has organized a refreshment(茶点) tent. All profits will benefit future PTO activities. Take a break from kite flying and drinksome lemonade! While you are doing so, why not join the PTO? Membership is free; you justdonate your time. Show your support for Piedmont Middle School by joining the PTO thisSaturday!

  When: Saturday, April 11, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

  Where: Piedmont Middle School

  Why: For fun!

  Cost: Free, thanks to a generous gift from Bizarco Kite Company!


  9:00 am —Kite-building booths open. All materials are supplied for kites.

  10:00 am —Kite-building shows by Lorena Hallsberg in the courtyard. Come by and learn howto build box kites and kites that look and fly like butterflies.

  11:00 am —Kite-flying shows on the school track. Learn all the most important skills.

  12:00 pm —Kite-flying competitions on the school track.

  1:00 pm —Presentation by Dr. Brian Lehrman in the show tent: “The History of Kites”.

  2:00 pm —Best Kite competitions and judging in the show tent. Come see the most artistickites

  and the most interesting theme kites.

  3:00 pm —Presentation by Dr. Lehrman in the show tent: “Kites and Science”.

  3:30 pm —Awards ceremony conducted by Headmaster Seward on the football field. Theresults of the day’s judging will be announced, with awards such as Best of Show, MostArtistic, Highest Flyer, and others. Winners will receive gifts from the Bizarco Kite Company!

  4:00–5:00 pm —Let’s all go fly a kite! Everyone flies kites at the same time, creating awonderful

  sight for all to enjoy.

  Come to the kite celebration, enjoy yourself and learn more.

  56. The main purpose of Paragraph 2 is to ask people to _______.

  A. build a kite B. support the PTO C. take a break D. join the fun

  57. Which times are most important for people who want to join in kite competitions?

  A. 10:00 am and 11:00 am. B. 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm.

  C. 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. D. 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

  58. From the passage, we know that the kite celebration _______.

  A. is enjoyable and educational

  B. is strict about the shapes of kites

  C. gets money from PTO of Piedmont Middle School

  D. gives people a chance to see kites from around the world

  59. The passage is intended for _______.

  A. school staff B. kite experts

  C. students and parents D. kite companies