
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

1. Keep Healthy Snacks   1. 准备健康的零食   Instead of reaching for the vending machine or mindlessly grabbing from the candy bowl, keep healthy snacks at your desk to avoid temptation. Homemade trail mix or 100-calorie snacks will curb afternoon hunger without dooming your diet.   别去自动售货机买或是在糖果罐里时不时抓零食吃,而是在桌上准备些健康的零食抵制诱惑。自制的什锦杂果或100卡路里的零食不会让你下午觉得饿,也不会妨碍你吃晚餐。   2. Rearrange Your Desk   2. 重新整理办公桌   Simple changes to your desk will help you sit up straighter and avoid neck, wrist, and back strain. Sitting ergonomically, adjusting your keyboard, and repositioning your computer screen are all positive changes to your workspace.   简单改变下办公桌会让你坐得更直,避免脖子、手腕和背部的疼痛。按照人体工程学的方式就坐,调整键盘的位置以及重新摆放电脑对办公坏境都是积极正面的改变。   3. Dim Your Computer Screen   3. 调暗电脑屏幕的亮度   Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can strain and dry your eyes. Adjust your computer's lighting so it does not create a glare or a harsh reflection. If your eyes are constantly irritated or dry, keep a bottle of moisturizing eye drops at your desk.   长时间盯着电脑屏幕会让你的眼睛干涩疼痛。调整屏幕的亮度,这样屏幕反射就不会让你觉得刺眼或者不舒服了。如果你的眼睛一直疼痛或干涩,在桌上放一瓶眼药水。   4. Add Inspiration   4. 加点“动力”   Since your desk is where you spend a majority of your time, make it inspiring. Put your goals on sticky notes, display your favorite photos, or even keep track of the date with a desk calendar.   既然书桌是你大部分时间工作的地方,让它变得更能鼓励你奋斗吧。把你的目标写在便签上,摆上你最喜欢的照片,甚至放个台式日历提醒你日期。   5. Keep Water Close   5. 把水放近些   It's easy to forget about hydration during the workday. Keep a water bottle close that you can refill throughout the day. Staying hydrated will flush out toxins and allow for more bathroom breaks — the perfect opportunity for a quick stretch!   在工作的时候很容易忘记喝水。把水放近些,这样一天里就能补充水分。多喝水能赶走毒素,也能让你多去几次卫生间——这可是短暂休息的绝佳机会。   6. Stash Cleaning Supplies   6. 储备清洁用品   Keep germs at bay by keeping your desk clean. Your keyboard, mouse, and phone are loaded with germs (especially during flu season). Disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer will keep germs at a minimum and prevent you from having to spend your precious vacation days in bed.   保持桌面整洁让细菌无处可逃。你的键盘、鼠标、座机布满细菌(尤其是在流感季节),消毒布和洗手液可以让细菌数量降至最低,也不会让你在珍贵的假期因为养病在床上度过。 http://meiwen.anslib.com/