
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Conversation 1


  A : These goods can be broken very easily, so we would be thankful if you would be sure to use durable packing materials.

  A:由于这批货极易受损,所以拜托你们务必使用耐用的 包装材料。

  B:That will be no problem. We never use any kind of inferior packaging. Your goods will be safe.

  B:绝对没问题。我们公司从来不使用任何劣等包装。你 的货会很安全的。

  A:Good. Can we ask you to put a country of origin mark on each container?

  A:那好!能否请您在每个包装箱上都印上原产国标志 呢?

  B:We always do that, but I will make a point to check it for you since it is so important.


  A:Do you always put a quality mark on each container? For this shipment it is crucial to us that you do.


  B:We don’t usually do that unless we are asked to. I'lI tell my staff to take care of this for you.

  B:除非客户要求,我们通常不会加印。不过我会交代手 下帮你特别注意这点。

  A:Thanks. This shipment is so important to us there cannot be any foul-ups.

  A:谢谢!这批货对我们来说太重要了,不能出一点差错 的。

  Conversation 2


  A: What kind of packing do you plan to use for this consignment of goods?


  B: Cartons. Is that okay?


  A:I'm concerned about the possible jolting, squeezing and collision that may take place when these cases are moved about.

  A:对于箱子在搬来搬去的过程中可能发生的碰撞、挤压 和撞击的问题我还是很关心的。

  B:Well, what I can tell you is this. We’ve got an excellent record on making deliveries to our customers. Besides, all our cartons are lined with shockproof cardboards and are wrapped up with polyethylene sheets. So they're not only shockproof but also dampproof.

  B:我可以告诉您,我们在向顾客发货方面有着良好的记 录。而且,我们所有的纸箱都有防震,纸板作内衬,整 箱外面再用塑料布包起来。所以,它们不仅防震,而且 防潮。

  A:In that case, I guess I can rest assured.


  B:Well, I guess you can say that. The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. Especially for those fragile commodities, we’ve got to be extra careful. Otherwise, if the things we don't want to see happened,we would be responsible and that’ll cause you a lot of inconvenience, too.

  B:我想你可以这样说。包装安全是我们一向所重视的, 特别是易损坏品,我们可要格外小心。不然的话,当我 们看到不愿发生的事发生了,不仅我们要负责,也会给 你们带来诸多不便。

  A:You’re right. But wouldn't it be safer to use wooden cases?


  B:We sure can if you want us to, but the charge will be much higher.

  B:如果你们想要我们这样做的话,我们保证做到,但是费 用就更髙了。

  A:It wouldn't be worth the trouble in that case, would it? Let's still use cartons.

  A:要是那样的话,就不值得麻烦了,不是吗?我们还是用 纸箱吧。

  B:Sure, no problem. As I said, cartons are good enough for goods like this. You don't have to worry about it.
