
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Every woman knows the feeling that their hairdresser isn’t listening to them. You ask for a trim only to watch inches being hacked off or insist you want to go a tiny bit lighter only to emerge platinum blonde.


  But most hairdressers at least pay lip service to following their clients’ instructions. Not so Jamie Stevens, a multi-award-winning stylist who claims he doesn’t care what the women who come in to his salon say — he knows best.


  ‘I can look at a woman and immediately know what cut she needs. A hairdresser is an expert in their field. You wouldn’t tell a doctor or chef how to do their job. Why does everybody think they can direct a hairdresser?’


  Brave words, but does he really know best?


  We asked three women in their 40s, 50s and 60s who have had the same style for decades to take the plunge and let Jamie loose on their hair.


  Jo Bausor, 45, lives in Oxon, with her husband Dan, 45, and their two daughters. Jo says:


  My life has been a war against my thick, long frizz, with daily skirmishes and the occasional winning battle, when I spend 40 on a blow-dry to turn it sleek and groomed.


  I agreed to 3 in off. First, he coloured my naturally dark locks. By the time he was wielding the scissors over my head I could see the colour he’d put on was rich and glossy. My hair looked fabulous. He chopped what seemed like acres off, but I do look ten years younger. I’m absolutely over the moon.
