
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  1.it's natural to feel out of place in the beginning, but resist the temptation to engage in office gossip or to get pulled into a clique right away. 开始的时候感到自己有些"格格不入"是很自然的现象,但是你要管住自己不要立刻参与办公室的闲聊或被拉入“帮派”当中。

  2. accept that there's always a learning curve, and own up to what you don't know. "if everyone's using an acronym you don't understand, speak up," mitchell says. "you actually show an enormous amount of self-confidence when you say, 'i've never heard that term before. can you explain it to me? 承认每个人都有学习曲线,承认哪些是自己知道的。“如果大家都在用你不懂的缩略语,你要明确提出,”mitchell说,“你说了‘我不知道这个术语,能解释一下吗?’之后,你实际上会感到很自信。”

  3. avoid the chorus of "at my old job, we did it this way." it will only annoy your new colleagues. instead try saying, "i've seen this approached differently, and here's how." 避免说:”在以前的公司,我们就是这么做的“。这只会令你的新同事们感到讨厌。要说:“我见过不同的方式,是这样的……”

  4. it sounds elementary but bears repeating: thank people when they help you. don't assume that just because you're the new person, someone is obliged to show you how to use your voicemail or fix the copier. 下面这些听起来都是些基本的东西,但是还是要重复:别人帮你的时候,要谢谢他们。不要以为自己是新人,别人就有义务告诉你如何用语音信箱或修理复印机。

  5.be upbeat, and don't bore people with your personal life. "your new coworkers don't need to know about your headache or latest dental problem," mitchell says. "and while you can certainly talk about your husband or kids early on, don't show up with your wedding album or baby pictures." 保持好心情,不要用你的私生活来让人们感到无聊。“你的新同事不需要知道你头疼怎么样了或最近的牙齿问题,”mitchell说,“当然你可以很早就和同事们谈论你的丈夫和孩子,但是不要那么早就拿出你的结婚照或孩子的照片。”