
学人智库 时间:2019-02-01 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Ex: The importance of product diversification to the success of a business.

  这时你可能对product diversification并不是很熟悉,可以举一些案例,比如, the case of coca-cola: despite of its regular cola, it produce diet cola for people who get diabetes or adiposity problems. 然后借以说明product diversification的作用。

  ○1 Meet the needs of different customers.

  ○2 Increase the company’s market shares/market penetration.

  ○3 Marketing segmentation: the division of potential buyers according to age, sex, lifestyle, etc with the aim of designing and promoting goods and services to meet their specific need.(此定义引自《牛津英汉双解商务英语辞典》,我认为很不错的一本商务英语词典,每个词汇都有在商务方面的中英两种解释和例句)