
学人智库 时间:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  1. 我说到哪儿了?Where was I?(此句一出,举座皆惊)

  2. 多谢您抽时间听我阐述,祝您今天好心情。Thanks for your time and have a nice day!(结束时说)

  3. 您今天看起来很精神。You look sharp today!(给面试官说没问题的)

  4. 这么说吧。To put it like this(表示解释)

  5. 大四期间,我曾在一家会计师事务所兼职,我发现我做工作还行。这固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是公司能从我的贡献中获益。As a college senior, I worked in an accounting firm part-time and found that I could do my job well. It was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the company could benefit from my contribution.(回答有没有做过兼职时说)

  6. 就在嘴边。It is on the tip of my tongue.(想不起来时说)

  7. 对不起,我没跟上。I am sorry. I did not catch you.(没听清问题时说)

  8. 我有积极的学习态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地学习。I have positive learning attitude and am willing and able to study diligently without supervision. (问你的学习态度怎么样时这么回答)

  9. 与第一次见面的人交谈时常常让我局促不安,所以我一直在学习公共演讲。I am not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good,so I have been learning public speaking.(回答你最大的缺陷是什么时这么说)

  10 . 我想是挑战,创新和成就感。I think they are challenge, innovation and the feeling of accomplishment.(如果问你研究生教育哪方面最吸引你时这么回答)

  11. 我想是责任,勤奋和细心。I think they are responsibility, diligence and carefulness. (如果问你一个优秀的财务人员最好的品质是什么时这么回答)

  12. 学习有压力是好事儿,我一点不介意学习有压力。Studying under pressure is exciting and challenging. I don’t mind studying under pressure.(如果问你研究生学习有压力怎么办时这么回答)



  1、开门时,一句礼貌的询问会赢得一个良好的第一印象。May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)


  Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (教授们早上好/下午好,我是XXX)


  I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.(很高兴有机会参加这次面试,今天能跟你们谈话真是我的荣幸)


  It's my great honor / pleasure to introduce myself to you here.(很荣幸/高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍)



  I'm sorry I didn't hear that clearly. May I ask you to repeat it, please?(对不起,我没听清楚,可否重复一遍)

  I beg your pardon. I don't understand your question.(请原谅,我不太了解你的问题)


  Excuse me,I guess I don't make myself clear.(对不起,我想是我自己没有表达清楚)

  My I try to say that in another way.(或许我能试着用另一种方式说)


  Thank you for your compliment. I am far from perfect.(你过奖了,我做得还不够好)



  That is my pleasure. It's been nice talking with you, professors.(这是我的荣幸,和你交谈真愉快,教授)

  A thousand thanks for your talking with me.(万分感谢你的面试)


  If my application is successful, I assure that I would make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me. Thank you very much.(如果被录取,一定努力不辜负期望,谢谢)

  I' ll expect for your notification, professors. (我将期盼您的通知,教授)

  I'll look forward to your reply.(我将静候你的回音)
