
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】
In three hundred A.D. years, Jesus's birthday was celebrated on different dates. In third Century the previous writers want to put the Christmas day in the equinox. Until the mid third Century, after Rome legalized Christianity in the year 354, the bishop of Rome Julian calendar designated December 25th as the birthday of Jesus. Now the Christmas date in date creation is inseparable. In the calendar was created in fifth Century, and later on Christmas day according to the Gregorian calendar, namely in annals "calendar" to define, and according to the calendar date of the assumption that the time is divided into BC (before the birrth of Jesus Christ) and ad (A. D. is a Latin abbreviation, meaning "in the year of our Lord, Jesus's"). Later, although the universal Church received in December 25th for Christmas, but because of the local use of the church calendar, the date can not be unified, then put the second years from December 24th to January 6th as the Christmas festival (Christma s Tide), the local churches according to local specific conditions to celebrate Christmas in this period of the festival.


  The Western church, including the Rome Catholic, Anglican and Protestant, determine the Christmas Day is December 25th in the Gregorian calendar. The Orthodox Church, determine the Christmas Day is January 7th in the Gregorian calendar (which is actually called "Epiphany"), and the orthodox church did not accept the Gregorian calendar reform and accept the revised Julian calendar, so Christmas in 1900 to the time of 2099 will be postponed until January 7th. Bulgaria and Romania are Orthodox, but follow the Western custom Christmas date for December 25th, but Easter is to comply with customs. The ancient Christian Church of Apostolic Church of Armenia is determined by the Gregorian calendar in January 6th, at the same time, the Church of Armenia is more concerned about the Epiphany, instead of christmas. Christmas is also the western world and many other areas of public holidays, for example: in Asia, Hongkong, Malaysia and singapore. Non Christian world, just Christmas as a secular culture festival at.





