英语it 用法归纳总结

学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  t 既是代词又是引词。作代词时,它可做人称代词、指示代词、非人称代词,用于前指、非确指或习语中。作引词时,它本身无实义,只起先行引导的作用。可作形式主语(it is + adj. + for/of sb. to do sth.)或形式宾语(it + adj. + to do sth.),真实的主语或宾语是不定式、动名词或名词从句,它们则放在后面。It 也用于强调句结构。如想强调某个词或部分,可用it is (was) + 强调部分(主语、宾语或状语) + that(who)…的强调结构。本章要求了解代词it 和引词it 的各种用法,重点掌握it 用于前指或后指;引导词it 用于强调结构。下面请参考小编整理的使用方法。



  For example: Would you like to marry Malcom? Fancy being owned by that! Fancy seeing it every day!



  For example: Who is it?(是谁呀?)



  For example: I glanced at my watch. It was earlier than I thought.


  For example:

  How far is it from your office to the bank?

  It was a long journey to that part of the country.


  For example:

  Now it is clearing up, and a sparrow is beginning to chirp.

  It’s damp and cold. I thingk it’s going to rain.



  For example:

  ---They lost the game.

  ---Yes, so I hear. Isn’t it a shame?


  For example:

  It’s seems so full of comfort and of strength, the night.

  Though no one knew it, it was the last time he would be present at the bank.



  有时,it所指代的是什么,要看上下文来确定.这种IT即所谓的非确指的it(Unspecified it).

  For example:

  1.How’s it going with you? (你近况如何?)

  2.Does it itch much? (很痒痒吗?)

  3.Where does it hurt? (哪儿痛?)

  4.Now you are in for it. (你现在可倒霉了!)

  5.It says in the Bible: Thou shalt not steal. (圣经上说:不许偷窃.)

  6.Hand it all, we can’t wait all day for him. (见鬼!我们不能整天等他呀.)

  7.We had a nice time of it. (我们玩得很好.)

  8.There is nothing else for it but to stand. (没有办法,只好忍受.)

  9.You never had it so good. (日子过得从来没有这样好.)

  10.Take it easy. (不要紧张.)