
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



Text 1

M: I never eat peanuts and I hate all fruits.

W: Oh, my God, me too. We are two of a kind.


Text 2

M: Are you free to join us for dinner tomorrow?

W: You are inviting me to your house?

M: Sure.


Text 3

W: Would you please help me take my luggage to my room?

M: Sure! At your service, Miss.


Text 4

M: Just take it easy and breathe. You will feel much less nervous.

W: Easy for you to say. You’re not the one that’s going to speak in front of a thousand people.


Text 5

W: Morning, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi, I’ve got an appointment with Mr. Smith. My name is Jack Torrance.

W: His office is the first door on the left.

M: Thank you.


Text 6

M: Nice picture! Who’s the girl beside you?

W: My sister, Sarah.

M: Wow! Didn’t know you had a sister. What does she do?

W: She’s a travel agent.

M: Oh, that’s cool. Does she love it?

W: Yeah, she does. She loves to travel and she likes meeting different people. She’s very talkative  

   and outgoing.

M: You two are totally different. You’re quiet and a little bit shy sometimes.

W: Yes! In fact, she is probably the most outgoing person in my family.

M: Hard to believe! Can I meet her?

W: No problem. But she’s on vacation now and she’ll be back next Monday.


Text 7

M: Ellie, why are you just having coffee? I thought we were meeting for coffee and dessert.

W: I’m not eating dessert these days. I’m going to Florida on vacation in less than a month. I need

   to lose about 15 pounds to fit into my summer clothes! So I’m on a diet.

M: What diet are you on?

W: I’m having only two meals a day.

M: Oh… That is not a good idea. You may think you’re losing weight, but in fact you’re just losing water.

W: Who cares? I just want to fit into my clothes.

M: But as soon as you start to eat normally, the weight will come right back. Isn’t there a better diet you can try?

W: Er… Someone told me if I just ate cabbage soup for a week, I’d lose around 10 pounds. But I hate cabbage.

M: Why don’t you still eat meals but just eat smaller ones?

W: It’s too slow that way. What’s more, to reduce my hunger, I’m going to take diet pills. Anyway, I just need something to help me for a few weeks.

M: OK, whatever. But be sure to eat food that’s good for you.


Text 8

M: Excuse me, I’d like to book a ticket to Shanghai.

W: When would you like to fly?

M: As soon as possible. Do you have a flight tomorrow… 7th of February?

W: Let me check. Please hold on. Sorry that flight is all booked up. Can I book you for the 8th of

   February? We have a nonstop flight leaving Beijing at 9:25.

M: That will be OK.

W: How many people are there in your party?

M: Only one this time.

W: And what class will you fly? First class? Business class? Or Economy class?

M: Business class… It’s too expensive… Economy class will be fine.

W: Good. Round trip or one way trip?

M: One way trip.

W: OK. And how will you pay, cash or credit card?

M: I’d like to pay by check.

W: I’m sorry, but we don’t accept checks.

M: I’ll pay by credit card then.

W: Great. What name shall I put the reservation under?

M: Smith, Peter Smith.

W: Wait a minute… so… You are booked, Mr. Smith.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: It’s a pleasure.


Text 9

Hello, everybody! Welcome to St. Louis, the gateway city. My name is Jack. I hope you will have a wonderful trip here with us. I’m the organizer of the activities. To make sure you’ll have some fun while you are here, we have made some arrangements for you. On Wednesday afternoon, we’ll go together on a walking tour of the city, which is both old and modern. You can see many fantastic things you have read about in books. And then on Thursday afternoon, we are off to the sports center where you can enjoy yourselves by playing basketball or going swimming. On Friday morning, we’ll do some shopping. After these activities, you might feel tired. So on Friday afternoon, you can have a good rest to prepare for the next day. On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Washington University by bus. We’ll leave at 7:00 in the morning and be back at 6:00  in the afternoon. Remember the time. And finally on Sunday, we are off to New York, leaving at 8:00 in the morning. If there’s anything else you want to know, please tell me. That’s all, thank you.


Text 10

Man: Oh, calm down. What’s up?

Woman: En, someone broke into my apartment yesterday and many items of mine were stolen.

Man: En, don’t worry. We will deal with it, but first we need to have your basic information, so what’s your name?

Woman: Emily Young.

Man: Could you spell your family name please?

Woman: OK, Y-O-U-N-G, Young.

Man: Y-O-U-N-G. OK, then what’s your address?

Woman: No. 306, 5th Avenue.

Man: And your nationality?

Woman: Canadian.

Man: OK, let’s get to the lost items. What have you lost?

Woman: A laptop, a cellphone, and a wallet.

Man: OK. What are the brands and models of your laptop and cellphone? And how much money was in the wallet?

Woman: The laptop’s model is SH462513, and the phone is Ipod G3. En…the cash in my wallet, let me think, probably 200 dollars. And there were many important materials in my laptop. Please help me find it.

Man: OK, and your phone number?

Woman: Ummm…2237676, but I’m only there after about 7 p.m.

Man: So when would be the best time to catch you?

Woman: I suppose between 9 and 9:30.

Man: OK, I see. I’ll let you know if we have any information.http://meiwen.anslib.com/