
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the street. The most common kind of busker plays a guitar. Passers-by will drop money into his/her guitar case. However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers. In fact, any kind of street performance can be regarded as a form of busking. This includes fire breathers, jugglers, story tellers, mime artists and dancers .


  Busking and the city


  In some cities busking requires a permit while in others it is tolerated as long as it doesn't interfere with noise and traffic regulations.


  In Europe, city authorities generally welcome buskers. It is believed that in busy city -centre areas street performers create a festive and lively atmosphere that helps to attract more visitors and shoppers. As passers-by stop to enjoy street performances, they are more likely to take notice of the nearby shops and businesses, and to make more purchases.

  在欧洲,市政当局一般是对街头艺人持欢迎态度的. 据悉,街头艺人可以在热闹的市中心创造一种喜庆活跃的气氛,而这有助于吸引更多的游人和顾客。当路人停下脚步来欣赏街头表演时,他们很有可能会注意到附近的店铺和商行,从而购买更多的物品。

  underground music


  Last year the london underground allocated certain parts of the underground for busking. Buskers who want to be part of one of the world's most competitive busking scenes will have to pass an audition and pay &,20 for a permit. There are currently over 600 buskers permitted to play for tube commuters in London. Four of them are in contract negotiations with Sony and Emi. Some other facts about London underground's buskers mclude.


  Of the 602 licensed London underground buskers, 78 percent are men, 22 percent are women.


  52 percent of them are gainfully employed elsewhere. one is a doctor, one a teacher and another an accountant.


  The oldest performer is 89 year-old "busker Bill".


  Of the 602 buskers,58 percent are guitarists,10 percent violinists, 9 percent saxophonists,10 percent play flutes and harmonicas, 6 percentaccordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo.
