
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Teaching Aims and Demands:

  1.Language knowledge:

  Key vocabulary: dining, hall, gym, science, lab, in front of, next, behind, any, one, building

  Key structure: there be …

  2. Reading skill:

  (1). Get information about the library in reading.

  (2). Improve the students’ reading ability.

  Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming-up


  Where is….? It’s on / on / in / in front of / behind / next to…

  Where are …? They’re on / in / in front of / behind / next to…


  1. Show the students a picture of a room with a few things in it, and have them guess the places of the others. (Activity 1)

  呈现几张图,如classroom, science lab, dining hall, gym等,让学生小组竞赛猜测物品的名称及位置(同时把新单词science lab, dining hall, gym通过图片


  T: This is a picture of a dining hall.

  S1: Are there any dishes in it?

  T: Yes, there are. Where are they?

  S2: I think they’re on the table.

  2. Pair work. Work in pairs and finish the exercise in Activity 3.


  Step 2 Who is who?

  1. Read about Picture A in Activity 2.

  2. Answer the questions according to Picture B.

  3. Have 4 students stand in front of the class, and get them to talk about their places one by one.

  4. Game: Describe one of the students in the class, have the others guess who it is.


  Step 3 Memory Challenge

  Watch the video. The students watch a clip of the video about the classroom for a few minutes. Have a competition. Have the students make and answer questions each other. 让学生看一段录像,如房间或教室,记住物品及位置。学生小组展开问答竞赛。无论问者还是答者只要正确都能得分。


  Step 4 Make a survey

  1. Finish the form by the students themselves.

  My primary school

Things Numbers Places                        

  2. Interview one of your classmates and fill in the form.

  Is there a/ an … in your primary school?

  Are there any … in your primary school?

  Where is / are…?

  My classmate _______’s primary school

Things Numbers Places                                                                                                                                          

  设计意图:从谈论现在的学校到谈论他们过去的学校, 始终围绕目标语开展活动,既“巩固新知”,又体现了“关注学生过去,现在与未来的生活”的语言活动的设计原则。

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Writing: Write a report for the survey.

  2. Wb. Ex 13.

  设计意图:以Step 4中完成的采访为基础,在同学与自己的小学的对比中,对本单元物品、数词、方位词的运用进行巩固
