
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】
想要成功,你必须要出类拔萃。这里有六种方法.    To succeed you must stand out from the crowd. Here are six ways: 想要成功,你必须要出类拔萃。这里有六种方法:   1.Be first with a purpose. 1.首要的一点是要有目的性。   Lots of employees, managers, and business owners are the first to arrive each day. That's great, but what do you do with that time? Organize your thoughts? Get a jump on your email? 很多员工、经理和老板都是每天第一个到公司的。这一点很好,但你在那段时间里都做了什么呢?梳理你的想法吗?浏览你的电子邮件?   Instead of taking care of your stuff, do something visibly worthwhile for the company. Take care of unresolved problems from the day before. Set things up so it's easier for employees to hit the ground running when they come in. 做一些对公司有明显价值的事情,而不是关注你自己的事。处理好前一天尚未解决的问题。制定好标准,因而当其他员工进来时,他们落实操作就容易得多了。   Don't just be the one who turns on or off the lights – be the one who gets in early or stays late in order to get things done. Not only will your performance stand out, you'll also start to... 不只是做一个开灯或关灯的人——为了把事情做好,做一个早到或晚走的人。那样你不仅能脱颖而出,而且你也开始……   2.Be known for something specific. 2.以具体才能而闻名   Meeting standards, however lofty those standards may be, won't help you stand out. 如果只是按要求完成任务,无论要求有多高,你都不会脱颖而出。   So go above the norm. Be the leader known for turning around struggling employees. Be the owner who makes a few deliveries a week to personally check in with customers. Be the manager who consistently promotes from within. Be known as the employee who responds quicker, acts faster, or always follows up. 所以要做到高于标准。做领导,要能为员工排忧解难。当老板,即使一周要出货几次也要亲力亲为为客户验货。当经理,要懂得总是从内部提拔。做员工,要反应敏捷、行动快速、紧跟领导。   Pick a worthwhile mission, then excel at that mission. People will notice. 选择一个值得去做的任务,然后优秀地执行任务。你做过的成绩别人都看在眼里。   3.Create your own side project. 3.创建自己的副项目。   Excelling at an assigned project is expected. Excelling at a side project helps you stand out. 优秀地完成指定的项目是你应该做的。优秀地完成一个副项目则能帮你脱颖而出。   For example, years ago I decided to create a Web-based employee handbook my then-employer could put on the company Intranet. I worked on it at home on my own time. Some managers liked it but the HR manager didn’t so it died an inglorious death. 例如,几年前我决定创建一份基于网络的员工手册,这样的话我那时的雇主可以将它放在公司内部网上。我在家里利用休息的时间做这件事。有些经理喜欢,但是人力资源经理不喜欢,于是这份手册悲剧地被闲置在了一边。   I was disappointed, but the company wasn't "out" anything, and soon after I was selected for a high visibility company-wide process improvement team because my little project made me "that guy." 我很失望,但是公司并没有那么“出格”,不久后,我因深刻的洞察力被选为全公司范围内的过程改进团队,因为我的小项目,我才成为“其中一员”。   The same applies for a business owner. Experiment on a new process or service with a particular customer in mind. The customer will appreciate how you tried, without being asked, to better meet their needs, and your business will become "that business."