
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Twitter's (TWTR) IPO may have been low-key, but some of its 2, 300 employees have little reason to complain otherwise.


  That's because Twitter salaries likely leave few wanting, according to the company's recently-filedS-1 document, anonymous voluntary employee disclosures to the jobs site Glassdoor.com, and insight from someone with intimate familiarity with the company's salaries. Indeed, while CEO Dick Costolo's annual salary for 2012 was $200, 000, he actually made $11.5 million for the year factoring in stock and option awards. And more "rank and file" employees aren't too far behind, at least where base salaries are concerned. (To wit, staff engineers can reportedly command somewhere between $174, 000 and $186, 000 a year.) Hardly shabby for a company that, just seven years ago, remained a figment of its cofounders wildly intrepid imaginations.

  原因是Twitter的薪酬优厚,没人愿意离开。这是根据Twitter公司最近提交的S-1文件、就业网站Glassdoor.com上雇员自愿匿名披露的信息,以及熟悉这家公司薪酬内情的一位人士的洞察。 实际上,虽然CEO迪克?科斯特罗的2012年年薪仅有20万美元,但如果将股票和期权奖励计算在内,他当年实际上挣了1,150万美元。而且,更为 “普通”的员工差得也不远,至少从底薪上来看是这样的。(比如,据报道高级工程师每年可挣174,000至186,000美元。)对于一家7年前还只是存在于共同创始人大胆想象之中的公司,这个数字可一点也不寒碜。

  Here's a look at some of the top paid Twitter job positions in descending order. Stock and option awards are the value they would have been at the time of hire, though obviously, the engineer hired in 2007 with a $32, 000 award is now sitting on millions of dollars more than their 2013 counterpart.


  1.) Chief Executive Officer (Dick Costolo)


  Annual base salary: $200, 000


  Additional stock and option awards: $11.3 million


  2.) Senior Vice President of Engineering (Christopher Fry)


  Annual base salary: $145, 313


  Additional stock and option awards: $10.1 million


  3.) President of Global Revenue (Adam Bain)


  Annual base salary: $200, 000


  Additional stock and option awards : $6.5 million


  4.) Director Sales Operations


  Annual salary: $192, 000 - $209, 000

  年薪:192,000 - 209,000美元

  Additional awards: $192, 000 - $209, 000 worth of stock and options at a strike price determined at time of hire

  额外奖励:价值192,000 - 209,000美元的股票和期权,行权价由获聘时间决定

  5.) Staff Engineer


  Annual salary: $174, 000 - $186, 000

  年薪:174,000 - 186,000美元

  Additional awards : $52, 200 - $93, 000 worth of stock and options at a strike price determined at time of hire

  额外奖励:价值52,200 - 93,000美元的股票和期权,行权价由获聘时间决定