
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  J: Hello, I'm Jack. Our company received the offer you sent us.

  杰克:你好,我是杰克。我们公司收到了 你们给我们发的报价。

  T: Hello, I'm Tang. Please take a seat. That's good. Is there any problem?

  唐:你好,我姓唐。请坐吧。那就好, 请问有什么问题吗?

  J: I come here today in the hope of discussing the price of your merchandise. I think that your price in this year is too high.

  杰克:我今天来这里是想和你们商量一下 你们产品的价格。我们觉得你们今 年的报价太高了。

  T: Our prices are truly a little higher than those of last year, but when you take everything into consideration, you will find our prices are actually reasonable. If it is not for our long-standing relationship, we can't give you an offer at such price.

  唐:我们的价格确实比去年高了些,但 如果考虑到各种因素,你会发现我 们的价格其实是挺合理的。如果不 是顾及到我们长期的合作关系,我 们也不会以这样的价格给你的。

  J: What factors can there be?


  T: Firstly, the overall price soars this year, so our cost of production rises. Secondly, our quality is better than the average suppliers. These are the facts, right?

  唐:首先,今年整体物价上涨,我们的 成本变高了。其次,我们的质量也 比一般的供应商更好。是这样吧?

  J: This is the truth. But I still think your prices are too high. Can you make some concession?

  杰克:事实确实是这样。但我仍然觉得你 们的价格还是太高了。你们能不能 做一些让步呢?

  T: I'm afraid this is our rock-bottom price.


  J: Well, I'll go back to reconsider.


  T: Ok, I hope we can continue our cooperation.See you.

  唐:好的。我希望我我们能继续合作。再 见。

  J: Bye-bye.
