
时间:2024-05-08 12:36:16 赛赛 学人智库 我要投稿
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  外贸英语订货对话 1

  J: Good morning. My name is George. Here is my business card.


  W: Good morning, Mr. George. Im Wang. This is my card.

  王:早上好,乔治先生,我姓王。这是 我的名片。

  J: Im very glad to meet you in the Guangzhou Fair. I can see from your card that your company produces clothing, right?

  乔治:很高兴在广交会上见到你。从你的 名片上可以看出你们公司是生产服 装的,对吗?

  W: Yes, thats right. And you trade in clothes?


  J: Exactly. Can we place an order with you now?


  W: Sure, you can. Would you mind telling me the style and quantity of the goods you want to order?

  王:当然可以。可以告诉我你想订货物 的样式和数量吗?

  J: Id like to order this kind of shirt 500 pieces.


  W: In order to make our transaction accurate and correct, please tell me the exact size, will you?

  王:为了使我们的.交易准确无误,能告 诉我具体的型号吗?

  J:I want 100 pieces of ladys shirt for large, medium and small three sizes respectively, and mens medium size 200 pieces. Can you supply from stock now?

  乔治:我要女士大中小三种类型的各100 件,另外男式中号的200件。你们 现在有存货吗?

  W: Yes, we can. You are really very lucky. When the goods are in shortage supply, other merchants sometimes will have to wait for several months.

  王:是的,你们真的很幸运。货源紧张 时,其他商家麵要等好几个月呢。

  J: Thats so great. We will send you our formal order this afternoon.

  乔治:那太好了。我们下午就寄给你们正 式的订单。

  W: All right. We can promise delivery one day after we get the order.

  王:好的,收到订单一天后我们就可以 发货。

  J: In that case, we shall be very grateful as the goods are needed urgently.

  乔治:那样的话我们就太感谢了,我们现 在迫切需要此批货。

  外贸英语订货对话 2

  A:We like your product, and are interested in placing an order with you as soon as possible.


  B: Well, we can proceed with the order until after the Christmas holidays. Our factories will be closed for another week.

  B:呃,恐怕要等到过完圣诞节以后,我们才能开始接订 单。我们工厂要多休一个星期。

  A:Thats all right. We will send you a purchase order in one week. I hope you will be able to take care of it.

  A:行! 一个星期之内我会寄订货单给你。希望你们能够 加以处理。

  B:No problem. Once we get your purchase order, we will begin the execution of the order right away.


  A:Thanks. We need the products in less than one month, because we have a big deal with another company. By the way, will payment against delivery be OK?

  A:非常感谢。我们因为和一家公司有一笔大生意,所以 必须在不到一个月之内就拿到货。对了!交货时再付 款可以吗?

  B:That will be fine. And I can promise you that youll get the goods about two weeks after we get your purchase order.

  B:可以。而且我可以保证收到订单后约两个星期,你们 就可以取货了。

  外贸英语订货对话 3

  A:We will carry out the order when the purchase order gets here.


  B:Good. And because this is our initial order, and your products is so new, we would like to make a deal with you.

  B:很好。但是因为这是初次订货,而且你们的产品又这 么新,我们想另外再跟贵公司商量一下。

  A: Well, actually in most cases we dont talk about special deals, but since this one is so new I will listen to what you have to say.

  A:嗯,事实上我们通常是不再谈优惠条件的,不过既然这 是新产品,我就洗耳恭听。

  B:We want to make this a trial order. If we can sell all the products in two months,we will pay for them;if not, we will send them back to you.

  B:我们想用试订的方式。如果所有的`产品能在两个月内 卖完,我们就付钱;如果卖不掉,我们就退货。

  A:I cant agree to that. My company will have to pay for both sending them and bringing them back.

  A:这个我不能同意,因为我们公司得花钱送货,又得花钱 把退货运回来。

  B:We promise that if the products are sold out in two months, we will place a repeat order right away, at the same quality.

  B:我保证如果所有的货能在两个月之内卖完,我们会立 刻购同样数量产品。

  A:OK,I agree. But the repeat order cant have the same terms.


  外贸英语订货对话 4

  Buyer:Id like to order 500 pairs of Rainbow socks.

  Seller:Rainbow socks are one of our best selling goods.They are out of stock at the moment.



  Buyer:Are you expecting any to come in soon?

  Seller:We expect to have them back in stock around May 10.However,we can provide you with another brand of similar quality.



  Buyer:Whats the brand?

  Seller:Its Sunflower,also one of our best-selling goods,which we can sell for as low as US$1.5 each.



  外贸英语订货对话 5

  Buyer:Id like to place a trial order for the Sunflower socks then.

  Seller:Thats fine.



  Seller:How many would you like to order?

  Buyer:300.If the goods sell as well as we expect,we will send further orders in the near future.



  Buyer:Please prepare the sales contract.After signing the contract,we will apply for an L/C in your favor.

  Seller:OK,I will prepare the sales contract as soon as we can.



  Seller:How much did you want to increase your order?

  Buyer:We need three times as much as we originally ordered.



  Buyer:Id like to order some paper.

  Seller:Sure,what package would you like to go with?



  Buyer:We need to make a change on our last order.

  Seller:Sure.Do you know the order number?



  Buyer:We should be glad if you would accept our order for shoes whose number is NO.1203.

  Seller:We regret that we are unable to meet your requirement for the time being as goods have been full booked.











