
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  1. let's引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句一般用shall we。

  Let's start early,shall we?我们早点出发好吗?

  Let's look at that book again,shall we?我们再看一看那本书好吗?

  Let's go and sit out,shall we?我们出去坐,好吗??

  2. 由动词原形引导的祈使句或let us(不是let's)引导的祈使句,其反意疑问句一般用will you。

  Lend me a hand to shift this piano,will you?你能帮我搬一下这架钢琴吗?

  Just tip the wood into this box,will you?把木头装进这箱子里好吗?

  Let us know your address,will you?请把你的地址告诉我们,好吗?

  Please let us go,will you?请让我们走,好不好??

  3. 为使祈使句听起来比较婉转、客气,其反意疑问句还可以用would you,won't you,can you,could you,can't you等。

  Help yourself,would you?请自便,好吗?

  Remember to close the window,won't you?记着把窗户关上,好吗?

  Let it alone,can you? 随它去吧,好吗?

  Lend me this book,could you?把这本书借给我,好吗?

  Keep out of my way,can't you?别挡我的路,行不行? ?

  4. 在否定祈使句后,反意疑问句只能用will you。

  Don't let the fire out,will you?别让火熄灭,好吗?

  Don't move the chair,will you?别动椅子,好吗?

  Don't forget to post the letter,will you?不要忘了寄这封信,好吗??

  5. 以let me开头的祈使句,反意疑问句可用will you或may I。

  Let me have a look,will you?让我看看好吗?

  Let me line out the plan of the house on this piece of paper,will you?让我在这张纸上把房子的图样画出来,好吗?

  Let me do it for you,may I?让我为你做这件事,好吗?