
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
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Unit 4 A Proud Father 骄傲的老爸

The concerned father was puzzled because his son’s grades had been dropping steadily while he was at college, so he called the dean to find out what was wrong.


“Well, sir,” relied the dean, who always tried to be diplomatic, “I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that your son’s become the most flagrant homosexual on campus, and spends all his time chasing after the lads on the football and basketball teams.”


“My God, that’s horrible!”


“But the good news is he’s just been elected Queen of the Homecoming Parade!”



1.concerned a. 关切的

be concerned about... 对……感到关切

例:I'm concerned about my son's academic performance.


2.puzzle n. 困惑;谜题 vt. 使困惑;迷惑

例:Doing jigsaw puzzles is a waste of time.


Your attitude puzzles me, how can you be angry at getting second prize?


3.grade n. 成绩(恒用复数 );分数;等级;& vi. 年级打分数;分级

例:In which grade are you?


Meat is graded according to quality.


4.steadily ad. 不断地

steady a. 稳定的;持续的

例:"Drop your guns, boys," ordered the marshall steadily.


The company maintained a steady fire against the enemy line.


5.be at college 上大学

be at school 上学

be in class 上课

例:You'll have lots of fun (while you are) at college.


6.dean n. (大学的)学院院长

president n. 大学校长

例:The dean is a distinguished scholar.


The university president is a former professor of linguistics.


7.diplomatic a. 圆滑的;有外交手腕的

diplomat n. 外交官

diplomacy n. 外交;策略

例:A mediator must be diplomatic.


The ambassador is a career diplomat.


Well, force has failed, so let's try diplomacy.


8.flagrant a. 恶名昭彰的(=notorious)

9.homosexual a. & n. (男性)同性恋 的(人)

lesbian a. & n. (女子)同性恋的(人)

例:Just because I'm a homosexual doesn't mean I'm a bad person.


10.on campus 校内

off campus 校外


上列词组中 campus 之前通常不加定冠词 the 。

例:I'm living off campus this school year, and loving it!


11.chase vi. & vt. 追逐;追求

chase after... 追求……

例:Carlos is always chasing after girls.


12.spend time V-ing 花…… 时间做……

例:You spend too much time looking at yourself in the mirror.


13.lad n. 少年

lass n. 少女

14.team n. 队 ;组 & vi. 联合

team up (with sb) (与某人)合作

teamwork 团队合作

on the team/committee 队上/委员会上(非 in the team/committee)


How many players are there in this team?(×)

How many players are there on this team?


Mary, why don't you and George team up on this experiment?


No organization can be successful without teamwork.


15.homecoming n. & a. 回家(的);返乡(的)

16.parade n. vi. 游行;阅兵

例:A parade will be held in the square tomorrow morning.

