
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】




  Awfully hot,isn't it?非常热,是不是?

  What a lovely day,isn't it?多好的天气啊,不是吗?

  How cool the weather is,isn't it?多凉爽的天气啊,不是吗?

  What a stupid fellow,isn't he?多傻的小子,不是吗?


  1. 如果陈述句中出现表示否定意义的词,如:

  few,hardly,little,never,no one,nobody,nothing,rarely,scarcely,seldom等时,反意疑问句要用肯定式。

  He has few good reasons for staying,has he?他没有什么理由留下来,是吗?

  She seldom goes out,does she?她很少出去,是吗?

  They could hardly manage to do it,could they?这件事他们恐怕做不了,对吧?

  It is scarcely dry,is it?它几乎还没有干,是吗?

  Nothing can be done,can it?无能为力,不是吗?

  He rarely got drunk,did he?他很少喝醉,不是吗?

  Little food has been left,has it?没剩多少吃的,是不是?

  You have never been there,have you?你没有去过那儿,对吗?

  Few students learn French,do they?没几个学生学法语,是不是??

  2. neither...nor...本身已是否定结构,故反意疑问句要用肯定式。

  The book is neither in Chinese nor in English,is it?这本书既不是用中文写的,也不是用英文写的,是吗?

  He can neither read nor write,can he?它既不会读,也不会写,是不是??

  3. 有一种反意疑问句,同陈述句的谓语形式保持一致,都是肯定形式或都是否定形式,这种问句一般用升调,表示关心、惊讶、怀疑和愤怒等感情。

  You look pale.You are not feeling well,aren't you?你脸色苍白,你感觉不舒服,对吗?

  You don't like the film,don't you?你不喜欢这部电影,是不是?

  It wasn't a very good book,wasn't it?这不是一本很好的书,是不是?

  He has wronged many people,has he?他曾经冤枉过很多人,不是吗?

  “You want to fool me,do you?”She warned the man.“你想耍我,不是吗?”她警告那人。?

  4. 英语中有少量不变的附加问句,形式固定,不随其前面的陈述句谓语等的变化而变化,这种问句是希望听话人做出反应。常用的有:eh,right,don't you think,am I right,isn't that so等。

  That's a good book,eh?那本书很不错,是吗?

  Little streams feed big rivers,right?小河流入大江,对不对?

  The book is really helpful,don't you think?这本书真的很有用,不是吗?

  She has got married,isn't that true?她已经结婚了,不是真的吧?

  You have read the poem,am I right?你已经读过那首诗了,对吗?

  Neither you nor he will take part in my birthday party,isn't that so?你和他都不参加我的生日晚会,是这样吗?

  She is Ann,or is she?她是安,我没弄错吧?

  The bed is very comfortable,or is it?这床很舒适,是不是这样??

  5. 反意疑问句还可插在句中。

  Darling,you will forever be with me,won't you,in the years to come?亲爱的,今后你将永远和我呆在一起,对吗?