
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Counter Offer 还盘(2)

  L: This is our rock-bottom price, Mr. Li. No further concession can be made in that respect.

  P: If that's the case, there's hardly any need for further discussion.

  We might as well call the whole deal off.

  L: What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to the price you name. The gap is too great.

  P: I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.

  L: How about meeting each other half way? Each will make a further concession so that business can be concluded.

  P: What is your proposal?

  Counter Offer 还盘(3)

  P: Mr. Li, I'm anxious to know about your offer.

  L: Well, we've been holding it for you, Mr. Peter. Here it is. 500 cases of Black Tea, at …per kg, CIF Liverpool. Shipment will be in July.

  P: That's a high price! It's difficult to make any sales.

  L: I'm rather surprised to hear you say that, Mr. Peter. You know the price of Black Tea has gone up since last year. Ours compares favorably with what you might get elsewhere.

  P: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. India has just come into the market with a lower price.

  L: Ah, but everybody in the tea trade knows that China's black tea is of top quality. Considering the quality, I should say the price is reasonable.

  P: No doubt yours is of a high quality, but still, there is keen competition in the sea market. I understand some countries are actually lowering their prices.

  L: So far our commodities have stood the competition well. The very fact that other clients keep on buying speaks for itself. Few other brands of tea can compare with ours for flavor and color.

  P: But I believe we'll have a hard time convincing our clients at your price.

  L: To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.

  P: All right. In order to get the business, I accept.

  L: I'm glad that we've come to terms.

  P: Now about the quality. You said you could offer me only 500 cases, which I think is not enough. Last year we sold 700 cases, and I'm sure I can do better this year. I hope you can offer me at least 800 cases.

  L: Because of the rapid growth of both our domestic and foreign markets, our production hasn't been able to keep up with the demand. 500 cases are the best I can offer you at present.

  P: I see. But if I don't see to my market, my customers will naturally turn somewhere else for their needs.

  L: Sorry, I don't think we can offer you more than 500 cases this year. As a matter of a fact, we have made a special effort to get even these 500 cases for you.

  P: All right. We'll take the 500 cases this time. But I do hope you could supply more next time.

  L: We'll see if we can do better next year.

  Counter Offer 还盘(4)

  L: Mr. Peter, let's have your firm offer now.

  P: Gladly. Here's our offer, 310 Francs per ton, FOB Marseilles. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price.

  L: I'm afraid I disagree with you there. We have quotations from others sources too. And, as you well know, we mainly rely on our own resources. Our own chemical industry has expanded rapidly. We import a certain amount of chemical fertilizer only when the price is reasonable.

  P: Well, then, what's your idea of a competitive price?

  L: As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 270 French Francs per metric ton FOB Marseilles.

  P: I'm sorry the difference between our price and your counter offer is too wide. It's impossible for us to entertain your counteroffer, I'm afraid.

  L: Mr. Peter, you no doubt have wide contacts. I don't think I have to stress that our counteroffer is well founded. It is in line with the international market.

  P: I don't see how I can pull this business through. Mr.Li, let's meet each other halfway. Mutual efforts would carry us a step forward.

  L: Now, Mr. Peter, what we have given is a faire price.

  P: Well, how's this? We take the price you offered, provided you take the quality we offered.

  L: Wouldn't it be better to settle on the price first before going on to the quantity? If you accept our counteroffer, we'll advise our endusers to buy from you.

  P: Then perhaps you could give me a rough idea of the amount needed?

  L: It'll be somewhere around 50,000 tons.

  P: All right, Mr. Li, as a token of friendship, we accept your counteroffer for ammonium sulphate for 50,000 tons, at 270 French Francs per metric ton FOB Marseilles.

  L: I'm glad we have brought this transaction to a successful conclusion.

  P: I appreciate your efforts and cooperation and hope that this will be the forerunner of other transactions in future.