
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】
Practical English: 办公室常用品英语说法 1.Folder 文件夹  A:How do you arrange your documents for each project?  B:I put them in separate folders.  A:你怎样保存每个项目的文件?  B:我把它们放在不同的文件夹里。 

  2.LAN cable/line 网线 A: I stay in the same cubical with June, but we have only one LAN line.  B: I'll call IT to get another one for you.  A:我和朱恩在一个格子间,可我们只有一根网线。  B:我会给信息部打电话,让他们再给你装一根。 

  3.Notebook 笔记 A: Do you have a notebook?  B: You mean the notebook computer or the real notebook.  A: Who uses notebook any more? I'm referring to the computer. B: OK. Unfortunately I don't have a notebook computer.  A:你有笔记本吗?  B:你是说笔记本电脑还是真的笔记本?  A:现在谁还用笔记本啊,我是说电脑?  B:哦,很遗憾,我没有笔记本电脑。

  4.Paper clips 纸夹,长尾夹 A: Do you have paper clips? B: Wendy may have some. Check with her. A:我有纸夹吗?  B:温蒂可能有几个,问问她。 

  5.Papers 纸张 A: Why do we always run out of copy papers?  B: Because we have limited on how much we can use.  A:我们的打印纸怎么总用光啊? B:因为我们限制用纸了。 

  6.Answering machine 电话应答机 A:I found that the answering machine is not popular in China.  B:Right. Most of us do not have it in the office.  A:我发现在中国,电话应答机不是很流行。  B:是的,我们大部分人都没在办公室里安装 

  7. Battery 电池 A: My phone is not showing caller IDs.  B: The batteries are probably dead.  A:我的电话没有来电显示了。  B:可能是电池没电了。 

  8.Binder 活页夹 A: May I have a couple of blinders?  B: Sure. I will get you a few.  A:给我几个活页夹好吗?  B:当然可以,我给你找几个。

  9.Computer disk 计算机磁盘 A: Can I have a computer disk?  B: We don't have any floppy disks any more. I have only CDs.  A:我能要些计算机磁盘吗?  B:我们这不再用软盘了,我只有CD。 

  10.Drawer 抽屉 A: Where did you put your U-disk?  B: In the first drawer on the left.  A:你把U盘放在哪了?  B:左侧第一个抽屉。 

  11.Printer cartridge 打印机硒鼓 A:The printer cartridge needs to be changed.  B:Can you do it?  A:打印机的硒鼓得换了。  B:你能换吗? 

  12.Projector 投影仪 A: Jean, could you find a projector for me ?  B: No problem.  A:珍,你能帮我找个投影仪吗?  B:没问题。 

  13.Stapler 订书器 A: My stapler is not working. B: Yours is the cheap stuff, take mine.  A:我的订书器坏了。  B:你的是便宜的那种,用我的。 

  14.Sticky note 可粘贴留言条,易事 A: Did you leave a sticky note for Wendy?  B: I did. I put it on her computer screen.  A:你给温迪写留言条了吗?  B:是的,我粘在她的电脑显示屏上了。 

  15.Tape 磁带,胶带 A: Do you have tape?  B: Yes, take it. I have another one.  A:你有胶带吗?  B:有,拿去吧,我还有一个。(可可英语)  
