
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  T: Have you got a few minutes? I want to discuss the problem of mode of payment with you now.

  你有时间吗?我想现在讨论一下付款方式问 题吧。

  W: This is exactly what I am going to say. What kind of payment do you want to adopt this time?

  这也正是我想说的,你们这次想用什么方式 付款呢?

  T: I'm wondering whether you accept D/P.This is a trial order. If our cooperation works very well, we will consider plenty of orders in the future.

  你们接受付款交单的吗?这是一次试订单。 如果合作愉快的话我们以后会大量订货。

  W: I'm afraid we usually don't accept D/P. We usually accept L/C at sight, because this can give us the guarantee of the bank.

  很抱歉,我们一般是不接受的。我们通常只 接受即期信用证,因为这样可以给我们银行 的保证。

  T: But other manufacturers can give us more favorable conditions.


  W:Maybe that's true, but I want to remind you that when you make a decision, you should take the quality of the products into consideration. The quality of our products is absolutely first- class in this line. Our products you are buying will sell very well, so it will not only make you recovery funds, but also give you a satisfactory profit.

  也许是那样的,但是我想提醒你在你做决定 时也要考虑到产品的质量。我们的产品质量 在这一系列绝对是一流的。购买了我们的产 品你的销量会很好的,所以你很快就会回收 资金,获得盈利的。

  T: But our funds are a little tight now. To finish the business, let both of our sides make some concession. How do you think 50 percent L/C at sight, and the rest half D/P?

  但我们现在资金有些紧张。为了达成交易, 我们都做些让步吧。50%的即期信用证, 50%的付款交单,怎么样?

  W: You are really very good at bargaining. It seems I have no way but to agree.

  你真的很会讨价还价,看来我也没办法只能 同意了。

  T: Besides I hope you can make a prompt delivery.


  W: You can rest assured. We will abide our promise.
