
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  Introduce myself to the office 向办公室的人介绍自己

  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and colleagues. For all of you, we hired Monica because she is a very professional accountant and we are very happy to have her in the finance department. She has lots of working experiences as an accountant and I am sure everybody in the department can benefit from this.


  Hello, everybody. I am Monica and this is my first day at work. I am working in the finance department. I am very happy to meet everyone and I am looking forward to working well with all of you. I am very happy to be one of the team and I will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible. By the way, call me Monica. Everybody calls me so.




  1.A:I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monica to our company and introduce her to her department and colleagues.


  colleague n. 同事

  如:It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.


  I headed him off quarreling with his colleague.


  department n. 部门,系,局,处,科

  如:He worked in community welfare department.


  2.I am very happy to be one of the team and I will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible.


  do my best 竭尽所能,尽力

  如:I'll do my best, Sir.


  I can't promise, but I'll do my best.
