Marry Yourself(嫁给自己)

学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【 - 学人智库】

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.   你自己,比全世界的其他人,更值得你的关爱和喜欢。   Prepare “soul vows.” These vows were deepest commitment to love, cherish, and deeply care for all parts of yourself in sickness and in health, until your time on the planet comes to an end.   准备好“灵魂誓言”。这些誓言是你内心对爱情、珍爱、和深藏在你内心的所有一切的最诚挚的承诺,无论生命健康与否,会跟随你直到你在这个世界最后一天。   Seeking love outside yourself will never bring fulfillment unless you possess radical, unshakable love for yourself.   在外面寻找真爱不能让你有完全的满足感,除非你对自己有彻底的不可动摇的爱。   With that knowing, these are some of Soul Vows:   有了这些共识,我们可以做出以下的灵魂誓言:   I vow to comfort myself during times of hopelessness, despair, depression, disillusionment, or any difficulty that arises.   I vow to be my Beloved always and in all ways.   I vow to never settle or abandon myself in romantic partnerships again.   I vow to live in the faith my life unfolds in mysterious divine perfection.   I vow to honor my spiritual path and create an amazing life whether I am ever legally married or not.   I vow to honor my calling and live my life as a work of art.   我发誓,在绝望、沮丧、幻灭或任何困难出现的时候,我会安慰自己。   我发誓,我会一直,并以一切方式,做自己最心爱的人。   我发誓,我不会把自己再次扔进并沉湎与浪漫爱情之中。   我发誓,要活在我的信仰之中,让生命展现神秘神圣完美的一面。   我发誓,以我的精神道路为荣,并创造出让人惊讶的人生,不管我是否合法结婚。   我发誓,以听到的号召为荣,让自己的人生活得像艺术品一样精彩。   Some vows were tender and some fierce—some private, and some to be shared with the world.   誓言有些是温和的,有些是激烈的,有些私人的,有些可以与全世界分享。   All vows were an expression of my soul’s calling and a deep desire to love myself and care for myself at the deepest possible level in all areas of my life.   所有的誓言都体现我灵魂的召唤,以及要爱护自己的强烈渴望,以尽可能深的程度在生活的各方面关爱自己。   These vows were the gateway into a life that was deeper, richer, and more connected to my soul’s guidance.   这些誓言都是进入生命的一个途径,它们更深入更丰富,与灵魂有更密切联系。   Here are 4 ways to say “I do” to you…   用以下这四种方式,对自己说“我愿意”:   1. Write your soul vows.   1. 写下你的灵魂誓言   You have a deeply cherished vision for your life, and your soul vows are a way to get it out of your soul and on paper. You could create a video, write a poem, or use fancy writing. Throw yourself a party. Register for gifts! Why not?   你对自己的生活有最珍视的视角,所以你的灵魂誓言是你用文字把心里的话记载出来的。你也可以做一个视频,写一首诗,或者写篇小说。然后为自己举行一个宴会,登记收到的礼物,有何不可?!   2. Create a vision board.   2. 创造一个愿景版   The soul speaks in images. Your soul vows may be magnificently revealed in a vision for your life. Carve out some time to craft a vision board from images that resonate with you. Allow yourself to be intuitively drawn to these images and don’t rely on your rational mind.   灵魂会以形象说话。你的灵魂誓言将以最大程度展现你生活的视角。留出一些时间,制造一个和你形象有共鸣的愿景版。允许你自己直观地绘制出这些形象,不要依赖你的理智。   3. Sacred jewelry.   3. 神圣的珠宝   Procure a piece of jewelry that has heart and meaning for you, such as a silver heart necklace inscribed: “You make the world a better place.”   A lady actually created a sacred jewelry business after marrying herself. She’s finally found her path after years of meandering.   取一件对你来说是有心意及意义的珠宝。如一件银项链,上面雕刻着“你让世界更美好”。   曾有一位女士在“嫁给”自己后,送了自己一个神圣的珠宝。然后在经历多年的曲折之后,她终于找到了属于自己的道路。   4. Be witnessed in your sacred vows.   4. 见证自己的神圣誓言   While making a soul vows, perhaps a ceremony with a few close friends? Find a way to have others acknowledge this transformation.   在做灵魂誓言时,不妨举行一个小型典礼,让其他人也承认你的这种转变。   And while the marrying myself was a lovely starting place, it was really just the beginning. In the wise words “Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”   “嫁给”自己是一个可爱的起点,但它也仅仅是一个开始。一个智言说到:“你的任务不是要寻觅爱,但只有寻觅并发现挡住你的障碍,你才能去冲破它。”