
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  J: Good morning. My name is John. This is my business card.


  L: Good morning. My name is Liu. Please have a seat. Is there anything I can do for you?

  刘:早上好。我姓刘。请坐吧。请问你 有什么事吗?

  J: Here is the thing: our company is interested in the products of your factory, and planning to cooperate with you.

  约翰:事情是这样的,我们公司对你厂生 产的产品很感兴趣,想和你们合 作。

  L: That's very good. You are cordially welcome.


  J: I want to reconfirm the quality of your commodities before our cooperation.

  约翰:在合作之前我想对你们的产品质量 再确认一下。

  L: I believe you have already known that the quality of our products enjoys great reputation both at home and abroad. So we can assure you that our quality is absolutely no problem.

  刘:相信你也已经知道了,我们的产品 质量在国内夕外都享有好的声誉。所 以我们可以给你们保证我们的质量 绝对是没问题的。

  J: That is good. If the commodities are in poor quality, it will be hard for us to sell them out, not to mention occupying the market. It will be impossible for us to cooperate in the future, and we may have to revoke our contract this time. This is bad for both sides.

  约翰:那就好。因为如果是低质量的产 品,我们就很难销售出去,更不用 说占领市场了。我们以后会很难合作,并且这一次的合同也可能会撤 销,这对双方都是不利的。

  L: I am aware of this absolutely. We will not be like some enterprises which are irresponsible, just considering the momentary interests of the day. Our garments are not only good in fabric, but also are of the original design and fashionable. I am sure you will be satisfied.

  刘:这个我当然明白。我们不会像有的 企业那样不负责任,只顾眼前利 益的。我们的服装不仅面料好, 而且设计也很新颖时尚。相信你 会满意的。

  J: That's great. But different countries' customs are different, the design you like may be not interested by our people.

  约翰:那太好了。不过各个国家的风俗不 同,你们喜欢的款式我们不一定会 喜欢。

  L: You needn't worry about this. Our style is not fixed. We can make different styles of clothing according to your request, that is, according to the samples given by our customers. And will pay great attention to workmanship and thrum.

  刘:这个不用担心。我们的款式不是固 定不变的,我们可以根据你们的要 求来制作不同款式的服装,即按客 户的样品定做。并且我会很注意 做工和线头的。

  J: This is the best. I will send you the order and samples after I get back, OK?

  约翰:这样就最好不过了。我回去之后就 给你发订单和样品,可以吗?

  L: Sure.
