
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  If you’re looking for a raise, or looking for a new job and dread the question “so how much are you looking to make,” you’re walking into a minefield that could either result in you making a good, fair wage, or getting underpaid from the start. Here are some things to avoid when it’s time to talk turkey.


  The folks at PayScale put together this simple list of salary negotiation mistakes you should avoid when it comes down to talking about money, but the big hits are simple enough. Avoid doing these things:


  Negotiating by email or chat

  1. 通过电子邮件协商或在闲聊时随意提起。

  Overlooking other perks available for the job or included with your job

  2. 忽视你的工作可获得或已包含的其他额外津贴。

  Being afraid to make the first move

  3. 害怕首先提出来。

  Giving in to your nerves and letting the conversation run away from you

  4. 败给紧张情绪并失去话语主动权。

  Some of these are classics, like trying to negotiate something sensitive over email, but others are more important.


  For example, you should absolutely consider your job’s other benefits or at least negotiate them when you talk about your whole pay package.


  Are you trading a higher salary for bonus money that could eventually wind up paying you more? Or giving up something like flex time or remote work in exchange for coming into the office every day for a little more money?


  Similarly, the old worry that you shouldn’t be the first person to throw out a number in a salary negotiation is a long disproven myth.


  Making the first move is fine, as long as you’re well aware of your value and the value of your skills and qualifications.
