
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】
"No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment", which Buddhist Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool.     The moment, how to attract, how temptation. It is readily available, but fleeting. Where the snow is like a cold wind plum, frozen ice core incense, but also lonely and also Yan. Also like the warm touch of spring green where it faces the prospect of Tucui also Jiao tender again.     And now, and is now, that is not lost treasure in time, before you regret Shi You quietly walked here and now. To me, it is now a tea Yijuan Shu, a flower, a song, and even a tiny ladybug, with their ordinary, but they can give me a heart filled with wonderful, original, I was in such a manner like now, like the Enron itself here and now.     Yes, everything around arouses love, even if it is a small friction happy with me, here and now, love and hate have become a deeper appreciation, without much deliberate, without too much cover up, just a bit simple, a little wonderful heart, until we slowly this time, spending just right.     So, ordinary times where it is a good day and day, and obviously have arouses pity. A non-dye heart, a little Zen itself, so that the days Youziyouwei, there are cavity tune. Life has been so Qingping comfortable, so smooth, noisy and impetuous, I am far away from, I just want a quiet clear in jealously guarding its Rin, in the flat to enjoy a mild taste of the joy of a lonely.   This world is intricate, and criss-cross, wrapped around wrapped around a bit with little trouble runs through the mind, what little trouble, if not pay attention to it, will gradually disappear, if it has repeatedly missed it, retaining possession of it, it will be more and more intractable. Buddhist phrase: "hungry to eat, sleep on sleep." It is simple and it is normal. May ask, how many people Shibuzhiwei this world, sleep can not rest 呀.     If we do not want to hurt I just want peace of mind to live in quiet air, then we must be clued. Avoidance has been much stronger than a mass of bruises, we are only targeted at serious walking, not artificial, not hypocrites, do not behave themselves, but must not be presumptuous arrogance. We are only targeted optimistic about their own now, it has been exceeded, more exciting.     “不分别过去,不执着未来,不戏论现在。安住当下,乐住当下”,这禅味很深的句子,落在心上时,即刻让我心意深远,满目清凉。     当下,多么吸引,多么诱惑。它垂手可得,却稍纵即逝。好似凛冽寒风里雪中一枝梅,冻蕊冰香,又寂又艳。还像温暖春日里那一丝绿,含羞吐翠,又娇又嫩。     当下,就是现在,就是还没来得及珍惜就失去,在你后悔时又悄悄走过的此时此地。于我而言,现在就是一盏茶,一卷书,一朵花,一支曲,甚至一只小小的瓢虫,它们虽平凡,但可以赐我满心的美妙,原来,我是这样地喜欢现在,喜欢自在安然的此时此地。     是的,周围的一切都是惹人爱的,哪怕是小小的摩擦都让我欢喜着,此时此地,爱与憎都成为深广的欣慰,无需太多刻意,无需太多掩饰,只需几分简单,一点妙心,待我们慢慢把这时间消费得恰到好处。     如此,平素里便日日是好日,分分秒秒都惹人怜惜。一颗无染心,一点自在禅,让日子有滋有味,有腔有调。生活已经如此清平安逸,顺风顺水,喧嚣和浮躁,离我很远,我只想在宁静中独守一份清凛,在平淡中享受一片温和,在欢喜中品味一场寂寞。     世间是纷繁的,纵横交错,缠缠绕绕,未免有小小的烦恼横亘在心头,小小的烦恼又有什么,若不留意它,就会渐渐消失,若一再想念它,护藏它,它便会愈来愈难缠。佛家语:“饥来吃饭,困来眠。”实在是简单,又实在是平常。可试问,这世上有多少人食不知味、睡不安枕呀。     如果我们不想受伤,只想安心静气地生活,那么就一定要有所避让。有所避让总比遍体鳞伤强得多,我们只管认真行走,不矫揉造作,不虚情假意,不循规蹈矩,但也一定不要放肆嚣张。我们只管看好自己的现在,让它有所超越,更加精彩。 http://meiwen.anslib.com/