
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  1. do sb. a good turn 做一件有利于某人的事,帮某人忙

  例:He will do a good turn to anyone if he can. 只要可能,他愿意帮任何人。

  2. fall by the wayside 半途而废,中途退出

  例:The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike, but most of them fell by the wayside. 孩子们原想徒步行走50英里,但大多数都半途而废了。

  3. resort to 依靠,诉诸,求助于

  例:When his wife left him, he resorted to drink every day. 妻子离去后,他每天借酒消愁。

  4. at the end of the day 按字面意思理解就是“在一天结束之时”。

  例:At the end of the day, I just want to go home and have a good sleep. 忙碌了一整天之后,我只想回家好好睡一觉。

  at the end of the day 也可以相当于 at the end of (anything and everything),换成通俗的方法表达就是 in the end 或 after all is said and done,也就是中文里常用到的“说到底,说穿了”。

  例:Don't be too hard on yourself. At the end of the day, you are just human and you can't always be perfect. 别对自己太过苛求。说到底,你只是个普通人,不可能永远不犯错。


  There were a lot of students from different parts of England and I seem to remember almost all of them saying "cheers".。。


  I lived four years in London, studied at University there and heard "cheers" all over the place, whether on the street, in pubs or at university among students.。。


  I think "Cheers" meaning "Thanks" is slang or colloquial and I heard it hundreds of times when I lived in London. It was strange to me at first but I got used to it and when I used it myself I felt I gave a "less foreign" impression。

