
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  J: Have you got a few minutes? I would like to have a talk with you about your after-sale service.

  杰克:请问你有时间吗?我想和你谈一谈 关于售后服务方面的事情。

  Z: Yes, I am free now. Please have a seat. Something to drink?


  J: Coffee please. Thank you. Do you provide after-sale service for your products?


  Z: That is necessary. In today's situation of intense competition in the market, the high quality after-sale service is a new focus of modern enterprise competition. Because consumer's concept on consumption is changing, awareness of protecting his own rights is improving. When they buy goods, they not only just pay attention to the performance of the product, but pay more attention to the after-sale service.

  赵:那是必须的。在市场竞争激烈的当今社会,优质的售后服务是现代企业竞争的新焦点。因为消费者的消 费观念在变化,维权意识在提高。他们购买商品时,不仅关注产品本 身的性能,还更加重视产品的售后 服务。

  J:That is quite right. I guess it is also the product of brand economy. The after-sale service of famous brand is always better than hybrid product. And of course the price is high. So it can distinguish with hybrid product. High quality of after-sale service can help establish the enterprise's image, win the consumer's satisfaction, and solve the problem of maintenance for the consumers.

  杰克:说得很对。同时我觉得这也是品牌 经济的产物。名牌产品的售后服务 往往优于杂牌产品,当然同时价格 也高,这样就与杂牌产品区别开 来。优质的服务可以树立企业形 象,赢得消费者的满意,同时也为 消费者解决了维修的麻烦。

  Z: Well, it is the truth. After-sale service is of great importance to both the enterprise and consumers.


  J: What kinds of after-sale service do you usually provide?


  Z: The kinds vary a lot. Our after-sale service includes: installment and debugging of the product for consumers, providing technical guidance, being responsible for maintenance, answering the consumer's consultation and so on.


  J: You provide such a comprehensive after-sale service, the products must be very popular. Thank you for your patience in answering my questions.

  杰克:你们有这么全面的服务,产品应该 很畅销吧。谢激你耐心地回答我的 问题。

  Z: You are welcome.
