
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
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  Researchers just announced the discovery of radio signals from beyond our galaxy that are behaving in strange ways. Fast radio bursts—or FRBs—are very rare, very quick blasts of radio waves originating billions of light years away, Popular Science explains.


  It’s unclear where exactly in the universe they’re coming from and what’s causing them. Since the first one was discovered in 2007, scientists have found only 17 total, and none of them ever repeat, the Verge reports. At least that’s what everyone thought. According to a paper published this week in Nature, researchers at Cornell University have found evidence of FRBs that do just that.


  Scientists used to think FRBs were caused by "cataclysmic events," such as neutron stars colliding with each other and exploding. Repeating FRBs means that can’t be the case. "This research shows for the first time that there can be multiple FRBs from the same place in the sky," researcher Shami Chatterjee says in a press release. "Whatever produces the FRB can’t be destroyed by the burst, because otherwise, what would produce the next pulse?"

  科学家们一度认为是一些譬如中子星相撞或爆炸的“灾难性事件”引发了FRB现象。然而重复的FRB现象却打破了这种猜想。研究人员Shami Chatterjee在通讯稿中说:“这次研究首次表明了会有多重来自天空同一个角落的FRB现象。不管是什么,只要是FRB的生成源就不可能被爆炸毁坏,否则谁来制造下一波FRB?”

  And the mystery deepens: "We’re showing that whatever battery drives FRBs, it can recharge in minutes," astronomy professor James Cordes says. "The energy of the event becomes very problematic." Researchers hope to next pinpoint where the FRBs are coming from in order to figure out what they’re coming from, and they’ll be helped by three massive radio telescopes that start operating next year.

  而疑团却显得更重了,天文学教授James Cordes说:“我们展示了不管是怎样的电池驱动着FRB,它能在短短几分钟之内供给能量。而这个现象所呈现的能量让人心生疑虑。”研究人员希望能够精确定位FRB的来源地,从而弄清它们的来源是什么。他们将使用三台将于明年投入使用的大型无线电望远镜。