
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Education is about developing the student. Overseas education is about developing the student. Thus, every part of the plan must be specific to the one student in question. The ‘why go,’ the reason, can be like many other people’s or it may be quite uncommon. The test is, ‘Does it fit this student particular situation, advance this student’s development, open doors for this student,’ etc.

  Possible good reasons (among very many):

  Has an interest that’s most easily, directly developed in Meiguo, e.g., piano studies can be undertaken without having to pass advanced mathematics.

  Has no idea of interests; can profit from the ‘discover yourself’ aspects of US higher education. People develop at different speeds and profit from trying out different areas. Students freely select their own majors, but may take time –2 years in some places-- to discover their own interests and develop their own motivation.

  Wants the solid training for a bi-lingual career and cosmopolitan citizenship that comes from immersion in the foreign culture. With no doubt, demand for outstanding bi-lingual professionals will increase for the foreseeable future.

  Has a passion for English, English literature, Western history and cultural studies, etc. It’s a good choice to pursue such majors in the West.

  Has discovered a great interest, but too late to pursue it effectively in the Chinese system. The flexible US system offers welcoming opportunity to all ages.

  Wants the experience of studying at a top world academic powerhouse. As later mentioned, nearly 70% of the top 50 universities are in the US; China has yet to break into that bracket of the major ranking.

  Weak reasons, again, among many

  Wants a foreign diploma to be highly employable. Caution! Don’t forget poor C and so many underemployed overseas graduates. Another example: One day, my driver allowed that he had an MBA degree from the US. I was surprised. His English wasn’t strong. “Where did you go?” I asked. He named a new, unheard-of profit making school. Later, a colleague said, “That US study cost nearly 1 million RMB. His job today pays less than RMB 40,000 and includes driving you around.”

  An overseas degree does not guarantee a great job. Exactly who wants to hire? It’s worth thinking hard about the realistic prospects. Western employers will prefer a native speaker, especially when unemployment is high and there’s a belief that China is taking ‘American jobs’ –to say nothing of visa problems. Chinese employers need to see a compelling reason to take the overseas degree student who only knows foreign methods, terms and working environment, but not Chinese methods, Chinese terms and working environment.

  Wants independence. Everything here depends on the student’s track record: Does he manage himself consistently with good control? Plans well? Prepares vigilantly? Handles challenges systematically and methodically? If the answers are not clearly yes, it’s a situation for extreme caution.

  Irrelevant and risky reasons

  Reflect glory on the family, show the family’s wealth, and keep up with the family’s social group. Clearly, it’s a mistake to think that overseas education is a luxury commodity, like a huge apartment or a luxury car. Overseas education has to do with a student and the student’s future. If it is based on an irrelevant reason, the risk dramatically rises. The unfortunate student may end up in that unhappy bottom group.

  Escape gaokao, give a weak student a supposedly easier path in the US. Let’s think for a moment. If gaokao is a problem, isn’t it likely that trying to pursue degree studies in a foreign language in a foreign culture will be a bigger problem? And, if the student should endure low status colleges for all the extra years required to learn English and get a degree, exactly what doors will a low value degree open?














