
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  What do you think about the price?这个价格你觉得怎么样?

  It seems acceptable. 这个价格我可以接受。

  I can’t acceptable. 我无法接受。

  It’s too high . 这个价格太贵了。

  I’m afraid I can’t agree withyou here. 恐怕我不能接受。

  Your price is much too high, can you comedown a little? 你们的价格太高了,能降点吗?

  What do you mean? 你们觉得多少合适?

  How about a discount of 5%? 5%的折扣怎么样?

  That’s impossible. 不可能。

  What kind of a reduction did you have inmind then? 那么你想要减少多少呢?

  I think a discount of about 20% would besufficient. 我认为20%的折扣就足够了。

  We can give you no more than $ 200 per set.Can you sell it on that? 我们最多能支付每台200美元,这个价格你们能卖吗?

  Can we meet each other half way? 我们折中一下怎么样?

  How much would you like it to be? 你打算出多少钱?

  You should think about the quality. 你得考虑质量因素。
