
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  1. Money matters.


  When my college internship was ending and I was interviewing for an assistant position at the same publishing company, the editor-in-chief asked me if I had any “salary demands.” I laughed and told him that legally he couldn’t pay me less than minimum wage. He didn’t. He also didn’t pay me more. That set the bar low, not just for that job, but for the next job and the next.


  Before applying to any job, try to find out a salary range for the position and your experience level. Google salary surveys, and ask friends who work in your industry what’s fair. It can be tough to get a big salary bump once you’re already in place, and you can play catch-up for years.


  2. Imposter Syndrome is a real thing.


  Everybody has it, including guys, which is something I discovered when I asked one of the male editors where I worked if he ever felt like he was “about to be discovered — and not in the good way.” Your crisis of confidence is not unique — and it’s not based in reality. You are smarter than you think you are. Whenever you start to doubt that, call one of your college professors, your mentor, or a boss you loved, and ask that person to tell you what you have to offer not only your employer but also the world. That way you can be reminded that, no, you are not a fraud, and, no, you are not about to get fired.

  我曾问过一个男编辑同事他有没有过“就要露陷”的感觉时,他告诉我了这件事:每个人,包括男人,都会“担心被人发现自己并没有足够的工作能力”。你并不是 唯一一个有自信危机的人,虽然它只是杞人忧天。你比自己想象中要聪明。如果你开始怀疑这一点的话,就联系你的大学教授、辅导员、或者你敬爱的老板,让他/ 她告诉你,你对雇主的价值、对世界的价值。这样你就能提醒自己:不,我不是个冒牌货,我也不会被解雇。

  3. But nobody really has any idea what they’re doing.


  This is the biggest secret in the work world, and I am telling it to you now. As a junior staffer, at times I looked up to more senior team members andmarveled at how grown-up and knowledgeable they were. One day that would be me! When I was no longer an underling — even as a senior team leader — I still never felt that grown-up, and I realized that much of the time I still felt clueless. When I asked a high-level executive once if she was ever just making things up as she went along, she said, “Yes, every day. All the time.”让我来告诉你职场最大的秘密。在我还是一个菜鸟员工时,我常常膜拜那些资深员工的成熟与博学。总期待自己有一天也能变成那样!然而当我不再是 一个跑腿的、甚至在我成为了一个有经验的队长时,我仍然做不到所谓的游刃有余,并且在多数时候我依旧感觉到毫无头绪。后来又一次我去请教一个高层管理人 员,问她是否有做不好事情的时候。她说:“是的,每天、每时每刻都是。”

  4. Your ideas and opinions are gold.


  You might think you are too young or too new, or maybe you’re suffering from Imposter Syndrome, but there are no bad ideas (and if you work at a place where people make you feel like there are, see No. 10 on this list). I can’t tell you how many times in my early career that I second-guessed an idea out of existence only to hear it proposed by a colleague or see it implemented by a competing company. Your youthful perspective is valuable, so share it. Just don’t be a know-it-all, don’t assume that your way is the only way, and don’t boss the boss.

  也许你觉得自己太年轻,资历太浅,或者缺乏自信,但是任何想法都是有价值的(如果你工作的地方让你觉得有的想法毫无价值,请参看本文的第10条)。在我事 业的早期,有无数次当我还在犹豫于一个创意时,它就被其他同事提出来,或眼睁睁地看着对手公司将它付诸实际。你新鲜的视角是无与伦比的财富,所以不要吝 啬,与他人分享交流吧。但是也别自以为是,觉得自己才是对的,更别在老板面前嚣张。

  5. There are no dream jobs, but there are good jobs.


  Don’t let your idea of the former keep you from recognizing the latter. Not every job I’ve had was awesome, but some of them were. However, even my favorites were less than perfect. As my dad used to tell me, “It’s called work for a reason,” and even the best job at the best company will have annoying aspects — some uninspiring task, some grating guy one cube over, some HR policy that doesn’t compute. So if you find yourself challenged by your position, fairly compensated financially, appreciated by your boss, and friendly with your co-workers, consider yourself lucky. Not everyone can say that.

  不要让你对理想工作的追求蒙蔽了辨别好工作的双眼。并不是说我做过的工作都很棒,但是有几个的确如此。不过,就连是我最喜欢的那些工作也不能说是完美。就 像我父亲常说的:“工作不是白白被叫做工作的。”就算是在最好的公司干最着最棒的工作也会有烦恼的时候。像是一些无聊的任务,隔壁隔间某个讨厌的家伙还有 那些莫名其妙的人事政策等等。所以如果你发现自己工作富有挑战性、且收入不错、又得到上司的赏识、同事关系还处得很好的话,那你就该谢天谢地谢人品了。不 是所有人都有这种运气。

  6. Nobody is going to look out for you but you.


  Sure, you’re a star. It’s important to get to work on time, take direction, have a good attitude, share your ideas, be a team player, and kick ass on the daily, but the sad truth is that’s not going to be enough to get you ahead. You can’t just sit at your desk and shine, with a wish in your heart that someone takes notice and cares enough to give you a raise or a promotion. In business, it’s often every woman for herself, and those people who can help you move up the ladder are busy chasing their next rung. Learn to sing your own praises early and often — and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

  是的,你很厉害。准时上班,明确目标,态度积极,分享看法,配合团队,还有完成日常工作,都是一个职员很重要的素质;但可惜的是,做好这些并不能保证你能 得到重用。你不能仅仅坐在自己的办公桌前发光发热,天真地等着别人注意到,并体贴地夸奖你,提拔你。在商界,通常是各人自扫门前雪。而那些能助你晋升的人 都忙着为自己的下一次晋升而拼搏。你要学会尽早并长期表现你自己,大胆地说出你想要的。