
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Forget trying to "win." Instead, make the customer feel you're working together to make things right.


  For all the money you spend training your customer service staff, the essence of what you need them to do boils to five key phrases. Teach them these, and you'll find you'll win back most of your disgruntled customers.


  Let's start with the most important phrase, which also happens to be the simplest:


  1.“I’m sorry.”


  Oh yeah, your legal team is waving red flags. “We can’t admit fault,” they say. “We should never imply something is wrong.” My response, “Ignore them.” Read on.


  Any time a customer is forced to call your support line, your company has likely failed in some way—either the product or service is actually flawed, the documentation wasn’t clear, or the customer’s expectations weren’t well-managed by marketing or sales.


  You might be thinking, “What about those customers who mistreat products and then want their money back?” Toss that thought. I’m not saying that customers never mangle the merchandise. Of course they do. What I am saying is that no customer plans to become disgruntled. I’ve never heard of anyone purposely spending money on a product or service on the outside chance they might win an argument with a customer service rep three months down the road. Even if someone did, it would be such a rare occurrence that you would never want to design your entire customer relations philosophy around it.


  Besides, an apology isn’t a confession of culpability. It’s a statement of compassion. A sincere apology tells your customer that you regret his having to interrupt his day to make that call. An apology defuses the situation and can allow for a conversation in which you get an opportunity to diagnose what went wrong, with the possibility of preventing similar future problems. And, that brings me to the second more important thing to say.


  2.“We’re going to solve this together.”


  When your customers decide to purchase your product or service, they commit to a financial relationship with you. When problems arise, they want to know that you’re willing to listen and aren’t going to run for the door. A positive statement that you are willing to work with them to find a solution, rather than being their adversary, begins a conversation that can be your best insurance against that customer going rogue and blasting you on the Internet.
