
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  6. Sell the test.

  6. 推荐小规模试验。

  Many ideas are too big and scary to sell up front. "Is there a way you can test your idea on a smaller scale first? A pilot? An experiment? Sell that," Pittampalli says. The team will be more likely to go for it if there’s a way to test drive the idea without putting too much on the line.


  7. Listen.

  7. 学会倾听。

  Asking questions and listening to the answers is a great way to interact with your audience and show that they're important to the presentation.


  8. Be confident, but not overconfident.

  8. 自信但不自负。

  A confident delivery will demonstrate how strongly you believe in your idea. But don't make the mistake of being cocky. No idea has a 100% chance of success and pretending like yours does might damage your credibility. Honesty and humility are your friends.


  9. Accept responsibility for your idea.

  9. 对你的想法负责。

  Make it clear to your boss and coworkers that if the idea fails, you're prepared to accept the blame, Pittampalli says. (But remember: You should always be confident in your ideas before presenting them to your audience.)


  10. Don't give up too soon.

  10. 不要轻言放弃。

  The rejection of a great idea at a meeting is not the exception; it's the norm. Hoover says most people give up too easily. Don't take no for an answer — but don’t be too pushy, either. You have to know your audience and when to back off.


  11. Choose an idea that doesn't require permission.

  11. 选择不需要经过老板批准的想法。

  Some people subconsciously choose big, bombastic ideas they know will never get approved, so that they never have to act on them. Instead, try to think of ideas you can pursue without an OK from your boss. If it's good and you're successful, it will help you build the reputation of someone that has good ideas. That'll make it easier to sell your next big idea.


  12. Follow up after the presentation with emails.

  12. 展示过后发邮件跟进。

  Continue the conversation by reminding those in the meeting that you’re happy to answer any questions and that you’re open to any suggestions related to the ideas you just presented.

