
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  Most organizations have risk-averse cultures, and selling ideas to your boss or coworkers can be difficult, since no one wants to get blamed if it fails.


  In fact, meetings, with their committee mentality and tendency to perpetually defer decisions, were invented in large part to thwart new ideas.That doesn't mean it's impossible to sell your ideas. But you will need some courage and the right strategy.


  Here are 12 tips for wowing everyone in a meeting with your ideas:


  1. Warm them up before the meeting.

  1. 会议前先暖场。

  Most people need a little time to embrace a new idea. Consider sending a thoughtful memo, or better yet, meeting with key people one-on-one the week before the meeting. They'll appreciate the personal attention and will allow you to tailor your pitch to their specific needs. By the time the meeting rolls around they may be ready to move in your direction. Even better, they may act as your advocate at the meeting helping you convince others.


  2. Be passionate.

  2. 保持激情。

  Nothing sells an idea like passion and enthusiasm. It's infectious. If you're not buying into an idea, then it's likely that neither will those around you.


  3. Offer a strong case.

  3. 想法要出色。

  What evidence do you have that your idea is a good one? Point to facts or data that support the validity of your idea. Imagine you're a lawyer making a case to the jury. What is exhibit A, and what is exhibit B?


  4. Appeal to their emotions.

  4. 迎合他们的情绪。

  It is suggested that you find ways to engage participants' emotions. Paint a vivid picture of the probable future if your idea is accepted. Now paint a dismal scene of the future if the idea doesn't happen. Use stories. Nothing moves people emotionally more than a good story.


  5. Be flexible.

  5. 灵活应变。

  If you hear something that makes sense, be ready to adjust your pitch or presentation.
