
学人智库 时间:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  ① Water-cooler chat 茶水吧闲聊

  This phrase has come to mean anything that people talk about when they happen to meet at the water cooler.这个短语指代大家在喝水的时候碰到会谈论一些事情。

  ② Close of play 下班临近

  Often shortened to COP in emails and text messages, and also as end of play or EOP, this simply means by the end of the working day.在邮件和短信里通常会被缩写为COP,也同样可以写作EOP,end of play,它的意思仅仅是下班前。

  ③ Annual leave 休假

  You’ll often find people referring to their summer holiday as their ‘period of annual leave,’ for example, in their out-of-office auto reply email.你会经常发现人们会提到他们的暑假作为他们的‘休假’,例如,在他们不在办公室的时候回复邮件。

  ④ Think outside the box 打开思维

  This term is used to try and encourage new ideas and a fresh approach to problems.这个术语被用作试图激励员工想出新办法和一个新方法来解决问题。

  ⑤ Desk jockey 办公室工作

  This is a pun on the term disc jockey, and the chances are you’re being a desk jockey right now.这是舞曲唱片播放员这个术语的双关用法,现在有机会让你成为坐办公室的人。

  ⑥ USP 独特卖点t refers to those successful products that have unique, specific attractions to consumers – so much so that they were willing to switch to it from their brand of choice.



  1. (to) play catch up –开始做某件事情有点晚,使你不得不花大力气去完成它;这并不是指你懒惰!-它更多是指做某事到最后关头了,或者你临近截止日期,尽力追赶的意思。

  e.g.“We’re playing catch-up on that commission from France.”我们要尽力追赶法国来的任务。

  2. (to) pay a premium–是指你要花费更高的价格购买某物,因为它的质量或名声更好。

  e.g.“We’re paying a premium for the plug from X Box, but it’s worth it”我们花了高价的XBox插头,但是它值这个价。

  3. an uphill struggle/battle– 要克服的大的障碍。(如果你处在美国商业环境中,你可能更多的听到的是‘uphill battle’; ‘uphill struggle’在英国是同等的意思)

  e.g.“Getting this new construction under budget is an uphill struggle, but we have to make it happen.”在现有预算下做好这个新工程很难,但是我们也要让其实现。

  4. (to) go up market – 把品牌出售给富人/开始去吸引高端市场。

  e.g.“We’ve decided to go upmarket and sell our scarves at Liberty/Macy’s/smart department store…”“我们决定去吸引高端市场,在利伯蒂/梅西百货/时尚百货商店等卖我们的领带。”

  5. (to) buy into – 支持或同意

  e.g. “David in finance says there are pay rises on the way. I’m definitely buying into that!”金融界的大卫说价格正在上扬。我完全同意!